gargleblasted application (unfinished)

Dec 08, 2010 17:30


Name: Savannah
Are you over 16?: You betcha
Personal LJ: aersick
Timezone: EST
Other contact: aim sheepify
Characters already in the game: n/a
How did you find us?: I played here before |3;


Character name: Sai
Fandom: Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Timeline: Post-game
Age: Not specified (guessing 17/18, since her outfit resembles a school uniform...kind of.)
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: While Sai doesn't have any sort of magical abilities, she is a ghost. So the most of what she can do is float around and phase through solid matter, though she does have the uncanny ability to physically touch people.
How would they use their abilities?: Just to travel around and creep tsun check up on Seto.
Appearance: Visual representation get

• Sai has pale skin; dark hair, which is a purple-black shade; blue eyes, one of which her bangs cover; and surgical markings/notes on her body. She also has a rather ample chest that she's more than content with showing.

• As mentioned above, Sai's body is covered in marks and writing - arrows, dotted lines, "x"s, and words. These things are medical markings from the time she was experimented on and used as the first catalyst of the Glass Cage experiment - and said experiments may have lasted well up until a few years before her death in the hotel.

• There are three spots on her body which are covered in bandages: around her left thigh, the lower portion of her neck, and some of her head. Over the bandage on her head she wears some sort of hat...thing.

• Sai's clothing is minimal at best. The outfit consists of the top of a red, buttonup school fuku, a sports bra beneath that, and a pair of shorts. She doesn't wear shoes because there really is no need for them. It's not like she walks around or anything.

• Clinging to her left arm is a pink pig plush.

• She has a mole beneath her left eye, and she wears a white eye patch over her right.

Background/Personality: bold is headcanon/fanon/theorizing

Ten years ago, there was a scientist who discovered the secret of interaction: the way humans connect emotionally. So a bunch of scientists got together to study that idea with the of that if they could awaken that power in people then everyone wouldn't have to words to understand one another and that it would make the world a better place. After all, there were wars, people argued and fought over things, and people were tired of it all. So the whole world was unanimous in supporting the project.

This is how the "Glass Cage" project came to fruition; these scientists used the "Glass Cage" to send a signal around the world and trigger the "Empathy Factor" that people had within in their head. This would allow people to naturally harmonize with one another. Everyone was excited. Everyone was full of hope. Everyone closed their eyes and slept. And that is how they died.

Why should that character be in this game: For OCs only.

Why do you want to continue their history here: For characters from other games only.

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:

Have you read up on how the game works?: FlamingFerret. Get money via jobs, missions, or being a supermooch.

1st person sample: Geez...

[As the feed flickers on, it skips a bit between actual video and static for a few minutes. After a few moments of garbled speech, of which the names "Seto" and "Shin" can vaguely be made out) the camera adjusts on a...floating girl. Also the towel that she's holding.]

I filled out all that paperwork and all I got was a stupid towel. [Sai frowns a bit as she tilts her head back, holding the cutesy-pig decorated towel up in the air.] I don't really mind the design, but -

[She glances down at the camera and shrugs.]

Not like I'm ever gonna need it. Anyone want it? It's just going to wind up in the trash, if not.

3rd person sample:

Questions?: What's your favorite soda? (If you don't like soda, favorite beverage in general.)
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Aw yeaaah.
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