With his room gone, Josh hasn't been able to do anything regarding art in a very long time. This simple fact of having an artless world is just...it's making him slightly depressed.
So sitting on the floor in the living room, Josh starts painting
a picture in ketchup on the floor.
What makes this even more unbearable is that October makes
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[leaning over his shoulder and tipping her head to the side.]
What are you painting?
McCain and Obama.
But why in ketchup? I mean, other than the fact that, you know, our rooms are gone.
[sitting down beside him.]
Or at least it remind me of the stuff.
[she shrugs.] Makes me wish I had some french fries.
[He laughs.]
You kicked Sven's ass or what?
Any kinda fries would be good, actually. [a shrug. someone's just craving nasty oily foods at the moment. probably because, for once, she's too lazy to cook. she laughs a little at the next question, though.]
Man I wanted to. I don't think he got that I didn't give a shit about his high-brow moral dilemmas, I was just sayin' that if anyone fucked with my Ma again I wouldn't be so nice about it. I tried to swing at him but fuckin' Coltin basically wrestling held me, so, I didn't land anything...
[Sitting up, he wipes his hands off.]
Who's Coltin again?
Yeah, well, I'm just too lazy to go find a damn kitchen.
Hampden. My ex-husband, if that rings a bell any better.
I choose not to really get in peoples personal lives like that. Thought he was a friend or something.
Well, he's still my friend. He just meddles when I'm picking fights or, as he calls it, 'being ridiculous.'
[she snorts a little.] If he wasn't him, I would've punched him instead.
[raising an eyebrow and looking at the other.]
What do you mean, man? Think I was some sort of big talker?
I'm too tired to even punch you for that. [sighing.]
I hate not having a room.
[He snorts.]
I miss my room too...all my stuff. My bongs, record collection, and weed...my life is officially over.
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