Lost: The Ultimate X-File - A Rambling by O-Ra

Mar 27, 2006 19:20

I just had an incredibly funny thought while reading a script for All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues. It came to me when I read the unlined line: "What the frack is he?" Interesting Javi would write "What" instead of "Who". The writer - being so much more knowledgeable about the subject he's writing on than the veiwer - sometimes makes little slips here and there, because subconsciously, he wants to tell his secrets. For those of use lucky enough to care and enjoy reading scripts, portents wash forth to us like sand in the waves. Anyway, so I came up with this hilarious theory:

What if: The Losties aren't human at all? What if they're brainwashed alien hybrids who were born on earth, and are being culled or gathered up by their contacts from the Mothership, who are messing around with Human/Alien DNA for some reason? What if the whole island thing really is some kind of experiment - but not one performed by human on human - nor even human on alien...but alien on alien? These poor guys don't even know they're aliens! Imagine their disbelief and shock when they find out...

Undeniable proof the ultimate X-File is Lost:

The Island
Psychological Shipwreck? Mass delusion? Satanic mousetrap? Ha! The Island is The Extraterrestrials version of Area 51. Here, they have brought their brainwashed flesh and blood, to be the subject of the creulest scientific experiment performed by aliens to date.

The Hatch
As pertains to the hatch, it could be one of many things. One: A homing beacon for when the Mothership (AKA; Rescue) comes. Two: Our Alien Hybrid Losties may actually be deliberatly programmed/authorized to run the computers in the Hatch for some alien-ish reason. Three: Thanks to the nifty Orientation video, The Losties subliminally remember/understand that the numbers must be inputted into the computer so that Base Control back "home" can upgrade the software for the system running the functions of the Island. Going without inputting the numbers could cause the whole project to malfunction, causing radar telemetry to deactivate, which means that the signal for the island's location would be lost, stranding our hybrid losties, and ruling the experiment moot.

The Numbers
As per the explanation for the Hatch, the Numbers recurr in our Losties lives for the simple reason that they will soon have to put them to use for personal and universal salvation.

So, how did they end up on the Island?
E.T works in mysterious ways. A bigger question is - why are our Alien-Hybrid Losties all heading to LA? Obviously, they are linked in the singular purpose of phoning home - as it were. There's something bigger than them and their pitiful lives as humans, and deep down inside, locked away in some dormant area of their superior grey-matter, they know it. They all must come together, survive together and fulfill a greater purpose.

So what, is Alvar Hanso really Klaatu? Is Aaron the salvation of some dying Alien race?

Not Klaatu exactly. Perhaps Mr. Hanso made a deal with the Aliens to orchestrate this little re-union. It's a good chance he's a large part of it. To classify him as human is still hanging in the air. He could still be on earth in human form, or perhaps he's overseeing the experiment and eventual rescue of his earth-stranded brethren. Or - maybe he's your proverbial Cigarette Smoking Man.

As for Aaron, gene testing anyone? Obviously Aaron is some kind of Nephiliam - "Son of God" or "Son of Man/Alien". He's the prototype for the New, Improved Human Being, bought and paid for by U.S&E.T Inc! He's what will populate this earth millenia from now when all the real humans are old and weak! Earths Repopulation by an improved, war-hating, truth-loving, god-trusting, all-around-better, I Can't Believe He's Not %100 Home-Grown Human is soon to come!

Alright O-Ra, since you're so smart, explain Ethan. Goodwin. The Others. The List. The Limbs and various disembodied body parts. Lockes's Legs. The Radio? Danielle???

The Others: Alien/Hybrids obviously, part of the mass experiment. Call 'em Alien Tech Support if you will. Some - like dear old Ethan - specialize in innoculating certain messiah alien hybrid babies from human diseases and injecting the final genetic touches to render him the perfect replacment for Humans.

The List: "Nathan wasn't a good person. That's why his name wasn't on The List." Now, if you listen closely, our good friend Goodwin enunciates "on the list". Obviously he wouldn't have been killed - partly if poor confused Ana hadn't exposed him times 2, and if his name had been on the list. So, just what IS the list? I figure it's some kind of tally of all the good prospects in the experiment. Perhaps our Alien Hybrids are pretty picky about DNA samplings. Maybe he was a crap specimen. Either way, poor Nathan was discarded of.

The Limbs: Symbolically, they represent the fake life that our hybrid losties have to leave behind. Realistically, they're a sign to the hybrids that nothing is what it seems to be...

The Radio: Did anyone see M.Knights Signs? Aliens are always messing around with radio broadcasts. The best way to reach people who think they're human is by the same way you mess around with us human's heads. Send 'em weird static filled 40ies radio stations, looping messages in French and other weird magnetic things (all which prove that the person behind all this is a master of Subliminal suggestion, electromagnetics, physics and space-time, so clearly not human.) Why they don't just beam someone down? Sure be easier. But alas, the time has not yet come to reveal all.

Danielle: And Alex, don't forget Alex. She knows what it's all about. She may in fact be the only one aware of what she is. The Other Hybrids have taken Alex, who was probably the first attempt at a perfect Second Generation Alien/Human Hybrid. Dani's scrapped the mission, caring only to get her kid back, warn the human populace of her races plans for our civilization, and pilot a pod home to another galaxy. Why not tell our Losties what they are? They're too caught up in their lives as humans. They won't believe her. Would you believe it if someone told you were an Alien? Especially with no cool powers to prove it. All she can do is wait till she gets her kid back, then *pfft* she's outta there.

In luei of all this, we can look back to Part 2 of the Pilot (or was the ep after that?) when Charlie asked in ominous apprehension: "Guys...where are we?"

Do feel free to point out any contradictions. ...If you can find any. Muaha.

rambling, lost theories

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