This may not be the wisest decision.
It's the weekend, so I automatically assume a heaping helping of free time, which is never the case, and I have probably never completed a drabble meme in my life, but...I will jump on the copypasta bandwagon.
Seriously, I save all of the prompts I've ever gotten in a file, and I SWEAR I will write them all one day. I will make it a personal project of mine. Daily drabbling, perhaps? I will use this opportunity to try and get the ball rolling!
The Great A-Z Multifandomwhatever Drabbling Meme!
1. Pick a letter.
2. Pick a prompt that starts with that letter (ex. K is for Keyhole).
3. Pick a fandom (if you're not sure of a fandom I might know just ask away) and a character/pairing. Yes, I can do more than one drabble on a particular character/pairing, just not more than one letter prompt.
Leave them in a comment and I'll write a drabble of it. No repeats in letters.
A - Apples -
whiteravensongB - Baby's Breath -
inseaweedswimC - Change -
snicks_chanD -
E -
F - Flight -
robinhoodG -
Glass -
gingaginga / Gentle/ness -
audientH - Hotpants -
snicks_chanI - Ire -
inseaweedswimJ -
K -
L - Looking back -
tempest_arashiM -
Median -
inseaweedswimN - Neosporin -
snicks_chan / Names -
audientO -
P - Pearls -
gingagingaQ - Quiet -
snicks_chan R - Restricted -
gingaginga S -
T - Thread -
gingagingaU - Upside-Down -
snicks_chanV - Vacation -
inseaweedswimW -
Wax -
snicks_chanX -
Y - Yell
robinhoodZ - Zoo -
tempest_arashi Anything I have an icon of or you know I like is fair game, as are any games or storylines I have discussed with/been in with you!
If you're not sure about something I like, just ask!