Because I need another writing meme DAMN YOU, NAY

Sep 24, 2007 08:50

The AU Meme! [September-October]

Yes, that's right. I want to write some complete and utter CRACK before NaNo starts in November. So!

  - Leave me a crack-filled prompt for AU fic! Give me either an entire fandom or some specific characters/pairings, along with an AU cliche to die for.
  - By AU, I mean CRACK. Vampires, High School, outer space, stuff like that. If I have to do research for your AU request, chances are I'm not going to do it, because I am lazy very, very busy. Obviously.
  - You can request more than once! Just keep in mind that I'm going to pick whichever prompt looks the most totally awesome.
- Good sample prompts: "Seifer, Quistis, pirates" or "FFIV, HS AU" or "FFX/FFVII Crossover!"
- Bad sample prompts: "Squall and Seifer, where Seifer is the owner of a brothel in 1810 and Squall is the son of a nobleman" (um, too much research; although now that I've written it out it looks kind of HIGH-larious, so, um, I guess if you're not too married to the "1810" thing this might actually work)
Basically, any prompt that requires me to do any kind of research is a no-go.

   FFIV, VI, VII(OGC, AC), VIII, IX, X/X-2. I will attempt XII if you make it worth my while, but I haven't finished it yet, so writing it can be hard for me; it had better be a crack-tastic prompt, like "Basch and Vossler as ballerinas" or something..

   - Hopefully by Halloween of this year!
   - You will get a ficlet (or possibly more, if your prompt is awesome) taking place in the AU-verse you have constructed.

IT WILL CONTAIN LOTS OF CRACK, SNARK, AND PROBABLY OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE. If you take yourself seriously, I suggest you do not prompt. If you are looking for realistic [pirates/ninjas/vampires/whatever], don't bother. I will take your prompt seriously, as in I'm not writing you crap, but I'm not going to follow "X's Rules of Vampyres" or anything like that.
if you take yourself seriously, what the hell are you doing in this LJ anyway?

   - I can only guarantee the first handful of responders, guys. The last time I did a meme, I got really far behind because a lot of people requested. I know, that makes me sound really popular!!, but I think it's mostly because my F-List likes crack.
Anyway, I'm going to set the number at 7 prompts because seven is my lucky number. I will of course take more prompts; you just may not get your fic by Halloween.

Thanks, guys!

au meme, this is nay's fault, writing: memes

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