Public-ish announcement: Regarding LJ, GJ, IJ, la la la

Aug 06, 2007 08:48


First and foremost, I'm not planning on leaving LJ. I'm way too much of a community whore to do so; I love you guys, I love the community aspect, I love the newsletter, and I am much too lazy to go do this again on another site just because. I'll only move if everyone else moves (or if LJ does something even more ridiculously stupid ( Read more... )


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venefica_aura August 6 2007, 13:58:03 UTC
Friended on IJ (which is my backup of my personal journal and is ugly and I don't care if it's ugly) and GJ (which is all fic. Eventually I am getting my own damn website). Same name as on here.

And that's really what got me. Was the sort of buried rules and general we are a big corporation that owns your soul attitude. I kind of just decided to say, "hell no, you do not own my soul, and fuck you."

I also know that very few people are going to do more than bitch about it. I kind of did the same thing with DeviantArt (that and my camera broke). Sadly, I moved over to here. XD But I have Picasa now (as it is a fact that Google DOES own my soul and I gladly give it to them, I like their business practices).

Though, I'm probably going to keep up here a little just to write my daily To Do List. I'm a sick sad person like that. I can't wait until my paid time runs out, then I can feel better about myself.

Yes, 'fuck the system' is written into my family's genetic code. I have no idea why, it just is.I am attempting very hard to not be ( ... )


first_seventhe August 6 2007, 14:06:13 UTC
I think I want the journal where I can communicate with the most people, really. If that ends up being here, that's cool. If it's elsewhere, that's cool too.

For my personal writing - well, yeah, I'll be a little more careful, definitely. Must be better at backing stuff up. XD

Also, I would give Google part of my soul for $20. Easily.


venefica_aura August 6 2007, 14:18:48 UTC
Well, that and I realized that several people on my f-list (not you obviously) I just didn't care what they said anymore? Or what they thought about my shit? XD

I partially feel like a brat, but then, I kind of feel liberated from some expectations. I am such a sucker for expectations.

I also totally can do all my LJ functions with gmail now, even read the entries (unless you f-lock, so I'll periodically check for that) so this perpetuates my belief that Google is the new God.



first_seventhe August 6 2007, 14:24:04 UTC
The "F-List" has such a wanky connotation. I mean, I friend back anyone who friends me, but I have a lot of selective filters because, like, who wants to deal with all that? Plus, GOD FORBID you de-friend ANYONE. I understand. XD

Wait. What. How.


venefica_aura August 6 2007, 14:40:29 UTC
Ya. It's fucking politics. I'm actually un-f-locking what is left of my journal. My ex-husband is a cro-magnon and it's been a year since I left him, if he wanted to track me down he would have already.

Alright, prepare yourself for some serious Google-fu

1. First off, you need Firefox. If you are still on IE you fail.

2. Install the extension called Greasemonkey. I also suggest you go check out some scripts that go with Greasemonkey that are unrelated to gmail (like Addblock, which I use to make the internets my bitch and not annoy me)

3. Go get the code better gmail. It also has other cool things, but it's reader is cooler than just the extension on its own.

4. Go subscribe your f-list to google reader Or just subscribe a few, like I do (because I am like that). If you fiddle you may even be able to subscribe to specific filters. Play around.

Sounds complicated, but once its set up, it's full of wonderful. I RSS like its my job (though, ironically, half of my feeds ARE job related ( ... )


first_seventhe August 6 2007, 14:46:37 UTC

Otherwise though my home computer is SERIOUSLY getting that.


venefica_aura August 6 2007, 14:51:48 UTC
You ever run programs off of a thumb drive? That's what I do at school, to keep all my extensions and shit. Firefox can totally run off of a thumb drive. Though, that SUCKS about your work, it was the namby pamby liberal arts labs that made me install firefox to a thumb drive because they were so attached to IE.


I'm kind of hardcore with my internets. XD And I keep up with productivity blogs. I should screenshot my firefox and show you how awesome it looks.



xerne August 6 2007, 22:00:53 UTC
I will also extoll the virtues of the thumb drive. I run firefox, filezilla, a generic aim program, and some other fun stuff off my thumb drive and I love it to pieces.


first_seventhe August 7 2007, 00:23:08 UTC
Note to self: Do this. ;)


xerne August 7 2007, 01:03:08 UTC is a good place to start.


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venefica_aura August 6 2007, 18:29:17 UTC
Go right ahead, mind you, it's pretty much all fic, and will have bulk updates over the next couple days as I get my ass in gear and finish The Move. XD



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venefica_aura August 6 2007, 18:41:50 UTC
I backdated a lot of the originals because they weren't in a comm, but a journal of itself and the transfer thingy program that I used did a bang on job of putting them backdated at the correct dates. But other than that, I am lazy. I'm not transferring any of my multichaps that way, though (got a friend who has an archive and I'm a one-shot addict). I apologize for bloating your f-list in days to come. I've already had one huge move before, so I just try to keep the headers neat--everything else is fair game. XD

And don't worry about mercy. XD Mercy is overrated unless you're dealing with helpless children. Even then I'm sure they could knife you in your sleep if they really put their brains to it.



lassarina August 7 2007, 03:21:20 UTC
Hijacking Sev's journal (I assume she'll forgive me) - which pen-n-paper RPGs?

Also hi. *waves*


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