At this point I am seriously, hard-core pimping my birthday presents because they are all freakin' awesome. Apparently I hang out in the totally cool corner of the internets!
I have been spoiled today.
I want to say "It is like Nay gave Irvine head for my birthday!" Because she DID and it made me LAUGH with snark and it was HOT all in ONE and that was FREAKING AWESOME. IT IS
SEIFER/IRVINE, right there, and Seifer's all sober because you know he's been planning it for a while and Irvine's all drunken-mind-wandering hot and OK I will stop rambling now just go read it. I LOVED. WOULD READ AGAIN. PROBABLY WILL BECAUSE IT'S HOT.
AND THEN NIKKI WROTE ME MORE AND THEY ARE ALL BASICALLY <333333 I will summarize them for you here!
THIS is Irvine/Seifer wandering home, and groping each other, and otherwise being hot
THIS! Is Rydia, a couple snapshotty views of her life and her childhood (SQUEEEEE) and it's sappy and bittersweet and punches you in the gut like it should, because Rydia doesn't belong and I LOVE seeing fic that deals with this
and THIS is probably my favourite of all of them - it gets an extra star - this one hits everything I like to see in FF8 fic with Squall-Ellone-Laguna dealings. JUST READ