SO!! Rina and Sev want to do a fantastical new thing for 2017, to promote fun writing projects: We are collecting prompts to make a Master List of 52 prompts for 2017. We will write something over 100 words for 1 prompt every week. This will be a fun game for you to play.
We are mostly looking for general prompts, like: "sunlight" or "light and dark" or "aliens made us do it"; however, we will accept specific prompts for fandoms we share, which are mostly Final Fantasy games.
We are also looking for 10 "Amnesty Prompts" - which will be the 10 prompts immediately after our 52 prompt collection - which we can use any week the given prompt is not working for us.
Please leave some kick-ass prompt suggestions and help us develop our 52 Week Challenge prompt list!!!
How this will work:
- Leave like up to 5 prompts at a time, with maybe 1-2 as fandom specific prompts and the rest as general. It's way cooler if you leave less than 5 at a time though, so that we can really mix up the prompts. We definitely won't put 5+ in order at once, because we like mixing it up every week.
- We will input prompts as they appear, although, we reserve the right to save some prompts for our Amnesty List if they are awesome.
- Come back, scan the list, and leave one or two more to mess with us!
- We'll let you know when we are done -- we may collect a number of backup prompts for future use.
Comment here, or on Rina's list: everything goes into the GDoc!
READY SET UHHHHHH ... GO PLEASE sob leave us trash
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comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.