This week at work so far has been a shitshow. Very busy, very intense, and today was some (MORE) bad news that kind of just chewed up any positivity I had left in me (a small, minuscule amount, comparable in size to maybe a couple atoms) and spit it out on the floor like a pile of Marzy's vomit. I try to stay, if not positive, at least determined in the face of challenges but after the last four months of finding out just how bad shit can really get in my plant, finding out that more 50-year-old bullshit equipment is fucked up & falling apart is just like, nope, I'm rocketing off into space so that I can take a space nap.
It's just disheartening. I am so tired of trying to run a facility that dates back to a stone age when safety was a quaint philosophical amusement, which has been run into the fucking ground for generations by a crew with the mental acuity of dryer lint and the overwhelming objective to be as cheap as (in)humanly possible. I am thoroughly sick of bouncing from crisis to crisis to goddamned motherbefucked crisis; I long for a boring week.
With incredible timing, I am ALSO either (1) suffering from a major punch in the face by my allergies (2) coming down with travel-plague like I tend to pick up in airports & airplanes with my shit immune system (3) coming down with con-plague from NYCC or (4) some creative combination of the above. Whatever ailment is forcefully stuffing cotton balls into the space behind my eyes, please fucking stop it; I do not need you right now.
I will make a more optimistic post this week, I swear: but it's hard to be optimistic when my brain is packed with dryer lint and my throat is throbbing with drainage and hatred. GOOD NIGHT.
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