comedy / tragedy

Apr 30, 2015 22:58

So today was really a good day, an almost-brilliant day. I had an amazing badass business-lady outfit, I had 8 meetings in a 9.5hr day, and I was incredibly productive and kicked ass all day long. I came home in a good/exhausted mood, had some wine, and am now sitting here trying to figure out how to sustain this mood for a weekend.

One of the things I think is critical when you're digging yourself out of the lonely-hole and also trying not to vanish into a work-shaped catastrophe in the ground, is: hobbies.

I have a lot of ongoing hobbies. Writing: I have plenty of projects in my head right now, and I sprout a dime a dozen during any given month of stress and sleep, so there's plenty to write. Knitting: I LOVE knitting; it's legit my soul-craft. On days I feel explicitly hollow and lost I knit something, like a hat or a pair of slippers. There's something satisfying about knitting because you watch something come into being and then have a physical item at the end of your efforts; at the end there's this warm intricate thing you can touch with your hands and wrap around yourself, and that's such a ridiculously fulfilling thing. Or even art: I am horrible at drawing things, but I continuously feel the urge to sketch and paint, such that at any given urge I can sit down and draw things on (electronic, real, etc) paper.

But those are all continuous hobbies, and sometimes when you are incredibly depressed, you need something new to break through some of those mental limits. So I am trying to make a list of new projects I can try to get myself involved and interested in when I feel blah and blah.

- Repaint upstairs library
- Reconstruct t-shirts
- sew interesting tops and skirts
- Decorate library
- Decorate dining room
- Purchase lamps
- Purchase chaise lounge
- Paint staircase
- hang basement pictures
- make jewelry
- uh

[entry ends]

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