Holiday Gifts 2006!

Nov 28, 2006 12:28

Hey guys, it's that holiday time again. Y'all know how much I love Christmas and the holidays season in general, so this is for any of you, whether you celebrate anything or not - or if you just want gifties. These are for you guys! Feel free to ask for anything! including hot sex! I had a couple different ideas spurred by different discussions, so - that's why the post is so damn long.

Giftie Number One: Fic Request

Simple. Request a fic. Ask for whatever you'd like. Fun, OTPs, crack you wish existed, AUs, anything.

Give me the following information:
  • Fandom (I will write for Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2. I am no good with FFVII canon past AC. Also will do crossovers.)
  • Characters or pairing (I have no problem with het, slash, femme, crack, or genfic and character studies - just be kind XD)
  • Situation / Prompt / Genre (By this I mean: Do you want smut? Do you want happy fluff? Snark? Humour? Angst? Crack? Plot? No Plot? Bananas? Would you like fries with that?)

    I'll write you something about 1000 words (probably over, knowing me) fulfilling your request. The writing will take place during January, probably, and I'm a first-come, first-served woman.

    Giftie Number Two: Feedback Request

    This is something I came up with after discussions with bottle-of-shine and lassarina. There's a lot of talk about feedback and concrit in this fandom, and where it is and how to get it. So one of the other things I'll be volunteering to do is deliver comments / feedback / beta-ing / concrit. I'm talking everything from grammar/structure to characterization and mood -- whatever you'd like, I'll do my best to deliver on.

    My fandoms are listed above - I'm pretty dorkily anal on all of them (except maaaaaybe V). I will also review original!fic (although I would ask that you don't throw me in the middle of your NaNoWriMo-verse, at least without warning - i.e., short plz.). If you'd like some thorough concrit on something in December/January - long, short, a series of drabbles, a bunch of chapters, one thing, many things - I'm available. This can be my Christmas gift to you. Also, if you know someone who doesn't know me but has been looking for concrit - send them my way! I'm willing to share the holiday love with strangers.

    This request is meant for people looking to get actual concrit and feedback. If you're looking for brainless praise - well, if that's what you really want for the holidays, I can give you that, but please - serious requesters only.

    Gifties for me

    I've seen this going around as a semi-fandom-meme -- what would you like to see for Christmas? Well, since I am selfish and love gifts as well, I've got a couple lists. The first is fic I'd love to receive as a gift. The second is fic I'm dying to write, and if it tickles your fancy, why not request it and give me an excuse. (You'll notice the two lists coincide occasionally, hee!)

    Sev's Fic Wish List
  • FFIV - Any Rydia-centric fic, especially stuff dealing with her adjusting after leaving the Land of Summons; Cecil/Kain/Rosa; basically, anything in this small fandom
  • FFVI - Terra/Celes fic, mostly just friendship/bonding/healing gen!fic but I have no problem with girl-love
  • FFVII - A well-done Cloud/Tifa; more Barret love, especially Barret/Tifa; Turk!love; a good Yuffie
  • FFVIII - Anything about Irvine that actually portrays him as Irvine and not as a womanizing asshole or a slut; Selphie/Irvine; any combination of Squall/Rinoa/Seifer/Quistis OT4; ELLONE FIC!! And LAGUNA!
  • FFIX - Freya. Please.
  • FFX - Something with Yuna, Lulu, and/or Wakka pre-pilgrimage on Besaid

    Sev's Writing Wish List
  • FFIV - Anything with Rydia; the evil!Rosa Rosa/Kain AU; etc
  • FFVI - Terra and Celes, discovering things about the Empire and their pasts
  • FFVII - things I haven't tried, including Barret/Tifa; Elena-centric fic
  • FFVIII - More fic about Ellone/Squall/Laguna finding their ways together after the war (not pairing necessarily); crazy Rinoa and Edea fic; Seifer, because I need to learn how to write Seifer. OH AND IRVINE CAUSE I LOVE HIM.
  • FFX / FFX-2 - More on Yuna and Rikku between X and X-2, and how Rikku and the Al Bhed helped create those changes in Yuna we see in X-2; the above-mentioned Yuna/Lulu/Wakka (again, not pairing) on Besaid pre-Yuna's pilgrimage

    So. Feel free to request anything you want - I'm putting no limit on it for now, but remember that I am not entirely made of internets. If you've got a wishlist of your own and you'd like to just link me to that, leave it in a comment.
  • writing, christmas, fandom, fic, still a loser

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