insomnia is what all the cool kids do (? are there still cool kids?)

Feb 06, 2013 07:10

I've been awake since 2:30am.

It's really seriously disconcerting to walk into work having been awake for >4 hours prior. It feels very strange, like I'm coming in on a day off, even though it's my usual schedule. I imagine it will feel even stranger this afternoon.

The thing about insomnia for me isn't that it happens - I've more or less come to terms with the fact that I'm shit at sleep and I've figured out ways to deal with it, like sleeping in on weekends and taking naps whenever I can. I don't like it, but I can deal with it - I can manage. I can make my life work around that.

The thing about insomnia that I really hate is how it strikes at exactly the time in your life that you really need your sleep the most.

I'm exhausted - physically, emotionally, interpersonally - and I'm being pulled in 20 different directions right now. I'm going to the plant next week, which I can't avoid; I'm training my minion, who will be worse than useless to me until he is trained; I'm coordinating a million other things that won't move without my attention; I've got a lot on my mind outside of work (I'm waiting for the phone call today to know whether or not I am going to talk about it); my back/neck/shoulders herniated disc old friend is killing me. What I need most right now is sleep. Which, of course, means this is the perfect time for insomnia to hit.

My poor stupid body.

Sooooo I guess I'll mainline some coffee and try to hit today running. After 3 hours of lying in bed staring and reading and trying not to think.

(on an unrelated side note: I've decided to call this minion Rubicante, because salarta suggested my professional goal should be to become Lady Golbez. I like this plan. I thought about naming him Scarmiglione since he's the first one, but he's a permanent hire, and I hope he'll be a little more effective than Milon was. Thus, Rubicante. If/When I get a co-op, that one can be Scarmiglione.)

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insomnia is the new black, army of minions: rubicante, 99 problems, lesbus christ pray for me, idk my bff insomnia

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