so the internet might explode on Friday, just FYI

Nov 26, 2012 17:29

I think I've been too scatterbrained to mention this lately, but I am getting really excited, so I want to make this announcement:

This Friday I'm flying out to spend the weekend with
renay, and

Ira I know quite well; Nay and KJ I have never actually met in person, and I'm not even sure I have words to describe how excited I am. Nay has been my (creepy/creeper -- I'm not sure we've ever confirmed who was creeping on whom first, back in the days of Selphie/Irvine on; I still insist it was me) friend and co-fan and co-mod for years, and we've never met in person; KJ and I have had fandom- and friend- and cute-cat-story-overlap for a long time and kind of just rolled into a really neat friendship that way, and actually almost met up once already (sad truth: I was vomiting).

They are some of my favorite online people, some of the most interesting and awesome people I've met online, and I am beyond thrilled to be finally meeting up all together.

So if this corner of the internet implodes on itself on Friday, you'll know what happened. I definitely don't have words. I really just want to pour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ASL;DK;LASDK;LASKD;LASKDSA and italics all over this entry.

This entry was originally posted at, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1, how many tonberry tags can i have before, sev is a walking incoherent clusterfuck, this is nay's fault, cock jokes!, doink!, this is now kj's fault, oh laguna, there will be no vodka left in the world, this is ira's fault

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