ALRIGHT COOL. there are enough people down with a claim-a-thon trial that I think it will be worth trying. So! If you want to play here is how it's gonna work:
- for right now, Final Fantasy and fanfic only. If this works, I'll open it up to more stuff in a trial round II.
- has to be at least a Drabble (100 words), can be as long as you'd like.
- if you submit prompts, you're committing yourself to choosing prompts, too, and writing a thing. It means please be around the Internet (and this journal haha) for the next two weeks or so.
- ANYBODY CAN PLAY. as long as you are a) laid back b) flexible because this code might actually suck and c) willing to step up and write fun shit for other people.
- I'll leave sign-ups open until like Monday, unless there are suddenly too many people signed up (haha). I'll post when I close them.
- All the prompts will be posted Monday or Tuesday in this journal. Either way, I'll give until Friday for people to reply and claim 3 they'd be interested in filling. I'll take the weekend to poke at my code, and you should have an email from me with your claim by NEXT WEEKEND Sunday or Monday (8-9 July).
- you can post any time after that! As soon as you want/need. I haven't decided how to do posting/reveals -- hopefully everyone playing has an AO3 account and we can do it that way?? I can make a little collection?
- for anyone who doesn't have a thing by the following weekend, I'll write for you, or I'll call in a friend. THIS IS A LOW KEY GAME, GUYS.
This entry was originally posted at, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.