Mar 26, 2012 09:18

To do this week:

  • Crosspost stuff from the Kissing Battle into the Chocobo Down 2011 archive on AO3. Because why not?
  • Play more on FF Crack Battle #1 (it's FFVII/FFVIII, guys... a dream come true)
  • Get the matching macro and other stuff ready for the 2012 round of DOINK!
  • Catch up on emails and responses~! I'm down to only 8 unreads... I MUST GET THERE
  • Take car in to the shop and get my trim fixed :/ bleghhhhh
  • Take LisA for a massage tomorrow since she has come to feed the cats one million times in 2012 so far and there are more times coming
  • hit the gym at least three times (IN THE FACE!!!)
  • figure out weekend plans so that I know whether I'm going to help
    vincentvalentine and if so on what day
  • survive all of the work stuff -- as of right now I have an entire week with no meetings and I really need to hit it hard before the next round of meetings show up

  • figure out family vacation over memorial day (ughhhhhhhhhhh)
  • figure out some wedding-related details for friends
  • Continue unfucking my room ie fold the laundry that has been there since before I went to Louisiana lolz
  • SLEEP?????


(edit) things I will actually do tonight:
- take car in
- visit the gym, if the car doesn't take too long
- watch Return of the King (what)


This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/306375.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

exhaustion in list form, i am a goddamn sith batman, epic battles: sev vs her inbox, bullet points make an entry right, that's a twig, this entry is all about me, i hate being a grownup

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