7 questions from katy

Mar 08, 2012 20:27

The meme:

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random.

Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

ser_pounce_alot / katmillia

1) describe to me the drink specials at zero fucks: the bar

OK, so: Zero Fucks Bar and Brewery is an obviously classy establishment and the specials are the same. The Early Bird specials (12-4), for our "fuck my life drinking at lunchtime" customers, include lighter beers and simple cocktails at half-price. During Happy Hour (4-8) all of our homemade craft brew - beer, wine, mead, etc - is $1-$2 off every pint depending on what we have the most of in the back. Nightly specials (8-close) include shit like "$1 every drink if you are in a costume", "$2 off every drink if it is from Final Fantasy", "Bloody Marys are always $3", and "Tribute To The Dougout: Giant Ass Mug Of Something, $2.50". Also, Trav's Mystery Liquor is $3/shot, but you have to sign a waiver before you drink it.

2) if you had to get married and you had to do it in some CRAZY NON-CONVENTIONAL WAY, like sky-diving, how would you do it and why

I'd do a vacation wedding with my significant other. Just go somewhere completely fuck random like the Grand Canyon, or Greece, or a random castle in England, and do it there. Invite absolutely no-one. If that's still too conventional: WHITE WATER RAFTING.

3) zombie apocalypse starts tomorrow, what is your weapon of choice

The ability to cast Firaga and/or summon Bahamut. If that's not an option: nail bat.

4) if you met your 16-year-old self now, what would you tell her

1. Live by yourself in college; it's way easier on you and on your friendships
2. Travel more. Once you have an adult job and an adult life, you won't get to
3. Dad's going to be okay
4. You're bisexual and polyamorous and that's actually okay, you aren't a freak who doesn't know how to date
5. Being single is awesome. you need to do it more
6. Your body is stupid and hates you. Eat every two hours, take this set of vitamins, go get your shots, and you won't wonder why you have chronic fatigue syndrome.
7. Lotto numbers

5) if you were stuck driving in an endless loop through one fast food restaurant's drive-thru, what would it be


6) create your own fandom yoga pose and tell me how to do it

Have a couple:
1. BAHAMUT POSE: Balance on one leg, with your other leg brought to your ankle or thigh (like Tree Pose). Extend your arms to the sides like wings, and curl your hands forward and inward like you are about to claw the fuck out of your enemy. Balance and breathe deeply while counting backwards from 5 to 1, and then exhale one Breath Of Holy Fire with an "OM".
2. ASURA POSE: Sit in Lotus (overlapping crosslegged) or with the soles of the feet together. Bring your hands to your heart center in prayer position. Then extend your arms above your head and do a slight backbend. Then rest your hands on your knees, cupped upwards. Repeat until you can feel all three faces.
3. DEAD CRONO POSE: Lie on your back with legs and arms spread wide. Repeat.

7) if you could blow up one place on earth using just the power of your mind, where would it be and why

Man, this is hard! Am I allowed to pick "American Health Care" as a place somehow?

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/303971.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.


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