12 Days Of Promptmas

Dec 23, 2011 20:56

I am totally stealing this from
lassarina because, hey, why not.

- By "12 Days" I mean that I will run this tiny meme until 12 January. It's more than 12 Days, but that's how Christmas runs, sucka.
- By "Promptmas" I mean that you leave me prompts. Or a bunch of prompts, and I will choose the one I fancy the most. And I'll write it! For you!

- I make no promises on length: but if you know what I like, you know what to give me to tempt me to a higher word count.
- If you leave one prompt, I'll do my best. If you want to leave multiple prompts, I'll pick one or two that I really like and go to town. It's up to you!
- I am open to prompts from any fandom you know I'm in. If you are iffy on a fandom, leave me multiple prompts in multiple fandoms to choose from! I am open to any themes and any genres from G to PRON.
- this is open to anyone! Even if I've just met you!
- I make no promises on whether I will write your fic sober.

And, uh, Happy Holidays~.

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/294254.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

everyone else is doing it, fanfic: requests, drunk - watch me craft, holidays, fic memes, minoring in alcoholism, am i really 30?, christmas!, blatant and shameless self-promotion

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