Important things you all obviously needed to know

Nov 26, 2011 22:04

I get really high on fevers. Not pleasant enjoyable drunk high: just that my body does really weird things. I can't walk straight. I eat six meals, or eat nothing. Words come out of my mouth backwards. I wander around the house. If they get bad enough, I hallucinate. My eyeballs get hot; the feeling of your eyes being hot, your eyelids actually hot against your eye when you blink? Yeah. it's inexplicably strange. Even on drugs, my body feels queer, like it isn't all there. I feel dumb. Like something isn't working right.

So when I'm sick - right now, still sporting a fever of 100F under the grand influence of Tylenol - I usually park myself down on the nearest couch or bed and try not to move. Even walking makes it worse. I read books because as long as I can still make out the words, I'm okay. A year or two ago I had a fever of 104F - which technically, view it as a fever of 105 since my normal/healthy body temperature is a full degree low - and I legitimately couldn't read. The words all became letters, and they were all out of order and in other languages and my hot eyes couldn't read them. I hallucinated my way to the doctor's office and I never want to do that again. So reading books is my test. Not only is it distracting, but it tells me when I am getting bad enough that I need to have someone take me to a clinic. I also take my temperature A lot, because I don't trust that 104. Thermometers and reading books.

Today has been a REALLY COOL DAY, if you want to know.

I'm not even sure I could write; my fingers feel like glue. My brain feels like bananas. I don't think I want to try. Even starting up FF8 is somehow daunting.


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so fucking hot, my broken body, so fucking tired, so fucking cold, look mom i'm on drugs again, cool story bro tell another

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