Oct 19, 2011 08:40

I have been having the weirdest sleep lately, on weeknights. I think it's because my sleep schedule's all up in the wonk zone -- my stupid body deals best when I'm sleeping a lot, and it deals best with that when actually being on some kind of sleep schedule (between a rigid sleep schedule and my sleeping drugs, I can manage to beat my insomnia 6 out of 7 nights of a given week). So I need to fix that.

But it's like... there are nights I go to bed and I wake up feeling like I've only gotten 4 hours of sleep... and it's been 7 hours and it's time for work; that feeling sucks. And then there are nights where I go to bed and wake up feeling like I've gotten 4 hours of sleep... and it's only been like 2. That's what happened last night - I rolled over all groggy and covered in cats, thinking "great goddamn, I do not feel like I got 7 hours of sleep at all" - and it was 2 am. It was a beautiful thing, rolling right the fuck back over and burrowing up in my blankets and knowing I had another 4 hours to sleep. Naturally the great feeling didn't translate into me feeling any more awake this morning but there you go.

I also had a fabulous dream last night that I was making Thanksgiving dinner with all 5 Gundam Wing pilots. (Heero really is a dick.) Which is a good lead into saying
safety_caesars and I finished watching Gundam Wing!! More detailed thoughts later, but if you have seen it now is the time to pour your thoughts into a comment and amuse me.

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insomnia is the new black, gundam wing, sleep is the new black, tired is the new awake

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