DOINK! Chocobo Races

Aug 30, 2011 08:10


Every year we want to do a little something to keep Doink happy and active during its off-season. Usually we try to encourage people to create Chocobo Down -- look at that prompt list -- but this year we're trying a little something extra.

It's a team-based challenge: CHOCOBO RACING.

Basically you sign up to be on a team, and any Chocobo Down you create will give your team points. Every month we'll have a theme, and if you create Chocobo Down that fits the theme, you get even more points for your team!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo if you want to play, read up on how it works, and then you can sign up for your team here (DW) or here (LJ) - you only have to sign up once.

renay is the captain of TEAM TONBERRY, and I am the captain of TEAM CACTUAR. I'm just saying. You don't have to be on Team Cactuar. That's not why I'm posting this at all. Of course. Nope. You can be on whatever team you want. Really.


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comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

how many tonberry tags can i have before, sev/zeromus otp, sagemaster tellah = mixmaster mike, be my friend!, sev's terrible doomed fandom crusades, it's time to write some porn, tubby likes porn, zeromus wants this action, fandom: final fantasy

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