More Memeing

Jun 22, 2011 22:27

owlmoose tagged me with 5 questions, for that meme I am too lazy to go find and copy paste, but basically if you reply to this with a cock joke I'll ask you 5 questions and it'll be awesome, I promise.

This started off with a good discussion on FF fandom and migration and keeping fandom alive, but --- I am going to save that for another post right now, as the melatonin is kicking in. *drool*

1. Speaking of migration to Internet services, what are your thoughts on Twitter? What do you like and dislike about it? Has it changed your online interactions at all?

I got a Twitter account ( @sevdrag) expecting to either hate it or not use it or, realistically, hate it and then not use it. Surprisingly, I enjoy Twitter a lot. I am really only watching mostly friends (I don't bother with celebrities or 'inspirational quotes' or any of that), and it's a fun way to share little things that aren't worth an LJ post but are still worth sharing.

I like that it's easy, that it's short, that I can get it on my phone, and that I get a surprising amount of news from it just from retweeting. Things I don't like? - it still feels silly, you know, I'm going to Tweet this, like anyone really cares how many bottles of pills Marzy knocked over today or what I am eating for lunch. Self-conscious, maybe? Although I still post dumb things on it, so, lol.

As for online interactions -- I find I communicate with people on it more than LJ some days, because it's easy to @reply multiple people or carry on a short little chat. I have become increasingly... wary? jaded? sick? of Facebook (part of the problem being that I should have segregated my real name and my crazy cosplaying and boob-grabbing online identity from the start), which is the only other place I'd think of posting one or two line 'updates'. As it gets harder to justify solid internet time at work, I like Twitter more and more.

2. What's your favorite genre of cuisine?


My brain went: Chinese! Mexican! Japanese! Thai. Thai. *dreams about Thai curry for 15 minutes* sorry, what. Chinese! ITALIAN. TACOS. BREAD. ALCOHOL. ARGH

I am going to select Mexican, because I can pretty much always eat a burrito, although I reject most Mexican beer and many Mexican desserts.

3. What's the best thing about Being a Grown-UpTM? How about the worst?


The best thing is the day you realize you are actually in charge of your own life and if you want to save up your money and time and spend a weekend in your underwear eating nothing but tunamac&cheese and playing video games, you are allowed to.

The worst thing is the day you realize what that kind of weekend costs you, in terms of how much laundry you have to do and dishes you have to wash and how you really should be going for a run and then doing like a crossword puzzle or something instead.

More realistically: I love being 100% responsible for myself. I love being actually kind of good at that (some days). I love knowing things about things, and sharing the things I know with other grown-ups. I love the lessons I've learned.

The worst part is that adulthood contains a lot of crappy lessons, like the fact that you can't do everything, or the fact that every day has something that sucks, or the fact that you never really win and life doesn't owe you much of anything. It can be easy to get trapped in a circle of woe when you're on your own.

4. What got you started on playing music?

Actually, I was almost a music major! I auditioned for a music performance program when I was applying for colleges... oh god, 10 years ago. What.

My parents love music - mum's Lutheran (meaning we sing all 20 verses of every song) and dad just loves Queen, so we were always listening to music. I started on clarinet and then switched to flute when my music teacher told me "girls don't play the drums." I played flute for years and years and got better and better, until I was first chair in the advanced audition-only wind ensemble and soloing in the orchestra pit for school musicals. I taught myself how to play piano (entirely wrong, I will point out - I am actually not very good, although I learned how to comp jazz chords so I can fake a lot of pop songs that way) until like the last year of high school when I had a year of private lessons in which my teacher realized he wasn't gonna undo any of my terrible left-hand habits and decided to teach me jazz instead. Excellent life choice.

I started playing drums a few years ago because I wanted to - have wanted to since I was in 3rd grade - and I've always had a good sense of rhythm, so once you figure out how the hands and feet go, you can manage a lot of classic rock at least.

I like music -- more specifically, I like making music. I don't really like doing it by myself; I like playing with other people, in bands.

5. You're trapped on a desert island and can only bring five books along. Which are they? (No cheating with the Kindle!)


Alright, so, instead of being lofty and noble, I'm just gonna bring my comfort reading, the books I read and re-read until the pages are all torn. So, in absolutely no order at all:

1. Sunshine by Robin McKinley*
2. Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey**
3. either Komarr or A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold***
4. Iron Kissed or Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs****
5. whatever the latest Dresden Files book is by Jim Butcher*****

*all time favorite comfort read, ever
**not only is it fabulous, it's long, which means it would help keep me entertained on the desert island
***I want a Miles book, but I am not sure I can pick which one -- Komarr is more interesting in general, but A Civil Campaign fills me with squee because of the dumb romance (I like Ekaterin okay), but ... hell, I might want one of the more interesting ones like Mirror Dance if I'm stuck there forever...
*****I have to keep up with the series while I am stranded!

Keep in mind, the backup version of this was 5 Robin McKinley books, I wish I were joking but I am not.


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