A verified rant? NAH.

Sep 26, 2006 12:33

First off, I am a bad kitty mommy. I need to learn to change Rydia's litterbox way more often than I am in the habit of doing.


Second, I have a work rant/question, so for those of you who have real jobs, or have worked real jobs, this one's for you...

Although I'd like to state for the record that this does not have anything specific to do with my own job: it is just thoughts I've had, so hey, don't fire me for blogging, jerks. DISCLAIMER!

How come ... you always have the one guy ... that everybody always complains about ... who doesn't do his job / does his job wrong / lies about things / takes credit for other people's work / doesn't listen / has other crap communication skills / fill in the blank ... and everyone knows about it, including the bosses ...


I just don't understand the politics of the workplace, I guess. If someone is difficult to work with, I think they should be called on it. I'm not saying that person needs to be fired or something, but I think the workplace (and the world!) would be a lot better place if people could be fucking honest about how they feel about people without being dicks.

It's called being a grownup!

I always see Person A complaining about how Person B is taking all the credit for their project, or that Person C doesn't ever listen to suggestions anyone else makes, or how Person D is dragging their feet on something in some kind of power struggle, or that Person E isn't doing their part of the work, or that Person F is poisoning Person G behind A's back. And yet Person A isn't ever willing to take the first step and do something positive about it that might actually solve the problem?

Here's how the conversation should go.

Person A: Hi, B. Do you have a minute?
Person B: Sure, A. Come on, sit down.
A: I've got a couple concerns about the project work, B. I almost didn't say anything, but...
B: That's okay, let's hear it.
A: As far as I know, the last time I checked, you were in charge of doing Things One and Two, and it doesn't appear that anything has been done. Is there anything I can do to help?

And here, B says either:

B: I'm so sorry. I've been dragged into another project and I haven't had time. Thanks for telling me - I didn't know it was that important, so I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll put you at the top of the list.
A: It's not really a rush, but it'd be nice to have by next week, so that I can start on Three.


B: Really? Because I took care of One last week and am almost done with Two. Maybe you're out of the communication loop? Let me forward you some emails.
A: Thanks so much. I was worried because I hadn't heard anything, so that'd be great if you can let me know what's done.


B: Are you sure? The last I heard, One was your job, and I was only in charge of Two.
A: Really? I must have missed that.
B: Let's check with the boss, so we can get it straight this time.


A: *goes to C, B's boss, and - politely - reports on B's slacking issues*

Instead, what I see most often is Person A totally bitching about things behind Person B's back, but never bringing the issue to the attention of anyone who matters.

It BOTHERS me. Why are people so fucking petty??

*sigh* I will never understand it, but it's mostly because I don't understand politics, or things like "tact". I tell somebody what I think of them, and if I'm too chicken to do it, I don't go around saying it behind their back because I have no right. Why can't people treat other people like people? WE'RE ALL GROWN UPS!

It makes me wish my job was a comm like workplace_wank or something. I work with one certain person who would be on it ALL THE TIME.

and another thing!, workplace wank, bad kitty mommy, it is a serious post, work

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