
May 18, 2011 13:54

The kittens are all doing well. I had to start calling them something, but I didn't want to spend too much time picking out names if they were going to be renamed by new owners, so I've named them all after the Weasleys from Harry Potter. The mamacat is Molly, the oldest grey one is Bill, the rambunctious black one is Charlie, the shy grey one is Percy, and the tiny little grey-and-white girl is Ginny. Yes, I have officially lost it.

But! I heard back -- I have someone who will take the remaining two kittens, together! So Molly is going to a good house, Bill and Ginny are going together with B+J that we work with, and Charlie and Percy are going to go live with a very nice lady who just lost a cat of 13 years and wants to bring some kittens into the life of her 5-year-old son. :) :) :)

I am so happy that all of the babies get to go in pairs, that makes me really really pleased with how this all worked out. :D

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kittens, the weasleys

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