a post of good things

May 11, 2011 09:05

so that I don't get super overwhelmed here.

I got an A in lab. I'm pretty proud of that.

My final overall GPA is 3.775 (since I don't think research credits count towards GPA, I think they are just credits), over four years with a challenging and relevant full-time job. I'm pretty proud of that too. \o/

When my prof emailed me about my grade she also said she wanted to keep in touch about my thoughts on the MS/part-time program. She said she thought it would be appropriate to present it to the department, which is my eventual goal anyway. So that made me pretty happy.

The two kittens who were taken last night are coming back to me so that they can spend the next 2-3 weeks with Mama, but B+J have agreed to take 2 of them!!! once they are old enough. So not only do I have a home for 2, but they get to be adopted together -- and B+J get 2 weeks to prepare which is better for them too. I am really relieved about that.

Yesterday I seriously thought I was getting sick, but I think the fever was just some aftermath from my hypoglycemic shock, because today I feel okay. Tired, but okay. So I'm happy about that.

And I have cake.

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/266770.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

kittens, grad school, investments in my future, cake

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