Half Marathon Training Plan - Week #10

Apr 18, 2011 15:09

tl;dr this week I ran 11 miles at a 10:30/mile pace

I am badass

Tempo Run / IntervalsLong RunEasy Recovery Runtotaltarget
Week #13.07 mi 5.4 mi 3.2 mi11.67 mi11 mi
Week #23.5 mi 4.85 mi 3.64 mi12 mi12 mi
Week #34 mi 6.6 mi 3.3 mi13.9 mi13.3 mi
Week #43.87 mi 7.5 mi 3.3 mi14.67 mi14.6 mi
Week #54.2 mi 8.9 mi 3.4 mi16.5 mi16 mi
Week #64.5 mi REST
Week #75.5 mi 6 mi 4.8 mi16.3 mi16 mi
Week #84.1 mi 9.3 mi 4.5 mi17.9 mi18 mi
Week #93.1 mi 8.8 mi 3.4 mi 15.3 mi15 mi
Week #10 6.5 mi 11 mi 4 mi 21.5 mi20 mi

The Story of Week #10:

  • 4 mile / 39 minutes. This was meant to be an easy stretch run but I just kind of found this pace (~9:45/mile) and went with it. It felt good.
  • The 6.5 mile run was a set of tempo miles. Except that I ran the tempos way too fast - more like freaking sprinting interval miles. The goal was 4x(1 mi fast, 0.5mi slow). The 4 miles I ran were 8:38/mi, 9:11/mi, 9:19/mi, and 9:31/mi. Which looks awesome. But I started out with the fastest one, tripped my way right into an asthma attack, and then was too stubborn to give up; I ended up having to walk after every mile. I am sure in the end it was some kind of good training experience but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, it hurt a lot. Bad life choice.
  • The 11 miler - it was actually supposed to be a 10-10.5 miler. But I really paced myself starting out - held to the 10:35-10:45/ mile pace - and I could tell I had the energy in me. When I was doing research for my training plan, I read that if a run felt really good, it was better to go farther than go faster, so I added the extra ~1 mile.

The last run really got my confidence up after such a terrible sprinting experience. I may not be as fast as jennyclarinet or Denis (my friends who are running with me), but I really felt like I could have done the entire 13.1 miles that Sunday... and I still have 4 weeks left. So I know I'll be able to do the race - barring travesty! - and at what is at least a decent pace even if it's not fast, and that feels good.

This week:
  • Hills and intervals. Both lead to exercise-induced asthma attacks, very easily. So I need to be careful. But I need to do some, this week and next. Shorter "on" periods and better/longer rest periods should help me do this without dying. ~4 miles.
  • 6-7 mile run experimenting with pace. Start slow (10:45), incrementally get faster by mile.
  • Long run: over 2 hours, or 11-12 miles, as appropriate. Slow pace.
  • Total: 23 miles is the goal

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/56716.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

asthma / inhaler, half marathon training plan, running, series: healthblogging

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