Half Marathon Training Plan: Week 8

Apr 03, 2011 21:14

Week #8 of Sev's Half-Marathon Training Plan:

Tempo Run / IntervalsLong RunEasy Recovery Runtotaltarget
Week #13.07 mi 5.4 mi 3.2 mi11.67 mi11 mi
Week #23.5 mi 4.85 mi 3.64 mi12 mi12 mi
Week #34 mi 6.6 mi 3.3 mi13.9 mi13.3 mi
Week #43.87 mi 7.5 mi 3.3 mi14.67 mi14.6 mi
Week #54.2 mi 8.9 mi 3.4 mi16.5 mi16 mi
Week #64.5 mi REST
Week #75.5 mi 6 mi 4.8 mi16.3 mi16 mi
Week #84.1 mi 9.3 mi 4.5 mi17.9 mi18 mi

Not much to say about this week's runs; the first was the awful one during which I realized my injury; the second was the longest AND the slowest I have run since I started training - longest because I needed miles; slowest because of said injury - and the last, today's, was alternately slow and fast in an attempt to stretch out my leg. I felt really good on the faster bits, but I didn't trust myself going that fast for very long with the injury, so I alternated with slowish jogging.

Now, the dilemma.

This was Week 8. In my original plan, I have myself training at 20 miles for Week 9 and then taking a rest week Week 10 (15 miles). (I just rested during Week 6, for reference.) From there I basically build hard through Weeks 11 and 12 and then begin to taper for the race at the beginning of May.

Now, with this injury, I am wondering whether I should take my rest week now (Week 9) and then build straight through to the race.

This has the benefit of working better with my schedule -- this week is the last lab CLASS (although I'll still have reports) which will magically add a few hours back into my weekly schedule. Long runs will be easier with that bitty chunk of time added in.

However, I just took a rest week two weeks ago, for Week 6. And I'm afraid if I do take a rest week now that it's too soon, and even with tapering I'll be burnt out for the race. Although tapering is like resting, so... I don't know. I'm also worried that if I use my rest week now and DON'T heal up, I am screwed, because I don't have any time in the schedule for MORE rest. I'm not a good enough runner to miss two weeks between now and the race!

I guess 15 miles isn't really that much of a "rest" week. I could back down to 15 miles this week and make sure most of them are slow, and HOPE that it heals me.

asdkka;lskd;laksd;laskd;lkass yeah so holding off on this week's goals until I figure out what I want to do. Crap on everything.

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/54385.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

augh augh augh, half marathon training plan, running, series: healthblogging

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