Type type type!

Sep 20, 2006 08:10

First things first, I stole this writing meme from lassarina.

1) Keyboard or biro?
Very much keyboard only. I've been known to scribble ideas but I prefer to keep them on a computer.

2) Beta or no beta?
No beta! Not being arrogant, but I think my grammar is mostly acceptable. What I'm more likely to do is post a story and ask for specific feedback.

3) Title?
I usually pick something from the story. Whatever word I've used the most often that isn't "the" or "said".

4) Smushy or smutty?
Neither, hee. I veer away from mushy romance because I always end up writing sarcastic snark instead. And I am just diving into smut.

5) Summary?
I usually present a question, in the desperate hope that it will make a reader curious.

6) Funniest fic?
I had this great FFIV Parody Script-Fic that I lost in ff.net's DeleteGate. I thought it was hilarious.

7) Most popular fic?
"Sincerity Cowboy". I'm simultaneously proud and ashamed of it.

8) Most Fun to Write?
Anything with twisted magic, sorcery and/or sorceresses, or Rydia.

9) Best and Worst?
I think some of the best things I've written were pieces of the "Warming Up" series. The worst stuff is from my youth, like "Dark Knowledge", all stuff that's not posted.

10) Coulda Been Contenders?
"Shine Like Gold", if I can ever finish the damn thing, should be pretty good (if a little boring, to me). "Out of the Mist" had potential, but I ruined it on review-glee, methinks. "Dark Knowledge" will eventually be awesome if I can pick my fellow FFIV / FFVI fans's brains.

11) Strengths?
Spelling, Grammar, Syntax (raised by an English teacher! Can't help it!). Being Very Anal about Plot Details and Plot Holes and the Lack Thereof.

12) Weaknesses?
Characterization of any character I don't feel like I'm a part of (i.e. MEN). It is hard! I end up making them all snarky, sarcastic bastards.

13) Dirty little secrets?
I use Wikipedia for details. And GameFAQs. And game scripts. Told you I'm anal.


Secondly, I think I just got screwed on fantasy football. Somebody picked up Chad Pennington before me, and I wanted him liek woah. Now I'm eyeing Byron Leftwich. Somebody suggest a good fantasy QB that probably hasn't been snagged yet? (I'm also watching Smith. Who's better?)


Thirdly, I need to write! I have a new Quistis/Zell collab with rosencrantz, the FFIV HS AU with lassarina and katmillia, and I'm STILL FINISHING MANLY REQUEST WEEK. And that doesn't involve all the claims I haven't touched! Squee, work. Go away!

writing, fantasy football, still a loser

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