Mar 09, 2011 08:49


When your Sev was a young girl, she was a crafter. A very serious crafter.

I crocheted. I knitted. And not just crap: I made washcloths and blankets and hats and clothes for dolls. I sewed: my mother sewed a lot of our clothes when we were younger, and she taught me how to sew, and I made a good deal of stuff for myself.

Probably the most exciting crafty thing I did when I was young was beadwork. And I am not just talking about stringing pretty beads together on a hook. I did intricate beadwork: loom weaving, hand weaving, flower necklaces, embroidery, 3D sculpture type beading. (For some reason loom beading was big where I grew up - I'm not sure if it was because Buffalo was close to Native American reservations and they had a presence, or if us little white girls were just appropriating it for our friendship bracelets. All I know is I got started at the Erie County Fair and adored it.) I won prizes for my beadwork, once upon a time. Blah blah.

Anyway. I was good at crafting, I grew up, I ran out of time, the end.

Recently I had a craving to start knitting again.

Now, I think a lot of this can be blamed to my exposure to cosplay. I look at my friends and their work and I think, if only I had the time! I could wake up these old weaving and beading and sewing skills and have a good time. I was seriously very strongly wanting to knit. To freaking knit. Because I need another thing to do.

Anyway, on a recent errand-running trip, I stopped in Jo-Ann's and purchased two new pairs of needles (one circular, one regular) and some very basic yarn, with which to remind my fingers how to do this.

It actually makes a good break from writing the lab reports, since when I get too frustrated I can just knit-purl-knit-one-below-etc a couple rows to distract myself. I predict I will be the proud owner of one too many brown scarves, cowls, and earwarmers in a month or so. (Of course the yarn is brown. It's me. Is a color ugly? I love it.)

I've also, uh, ordered some pattern books from Amazon. I hear this is how it starts.

Right now it's just something for my fingers to do when I need a mental break, and for that it's pretty relaxing. If I am still enjoying it once life calms down, I may be making a plethora of hats for people, just so you know.

Who else knits? Anyone? Wanna get all geektastic with me (and further encourage my doom)?

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oh god, ideas i will hate in a month!

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