This is just ridiculous.

Feb 07, 2011 21:06

I have finally finished Part L of a lab report - basically a macrolab, which was made up of microlabs A-L. Each microlab had its own microreport, consisting of 2-5 questions, sometimes with multiple parts. I have probably already answered 60 questions and that's not including the ones I skipped because I couldn't easily find the information online or in a textbook.

14 pages, 3162 words.

This is ONE of the TWO reports that are due on Friday. We did two labs: one was this big macrolab and one was another "small" lab which didn't take too long but still requires its own report.

I spent almost all weekend working on this lab, minus one planned disruption for the Super Bowl and one unplanned thing that happened Saturday night. I actually took vacation today to work on the report.

I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to finish before Friday. I see now what they meant by "full time class load." The other students have 6 days a week to write these. I have 2, if I don't fuck up and spend time on things that aren't lab.

My options are basically miss more work or miss more sleep. :/

Oh, and I'm sick. I have a sore throat and no voice, and the sniffles.

I really don't know how I'm going to do this.

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the lab that would not die, forever student

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