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salarta January 18 2011, 16:08:48 UTC
It always seems really, really daunting when it's on the horizon, but the time will fly by and in May you'll have you degree and wonder where all that time went. :) Plus while I'm sure you don't like the idea one bit, after you get your degree, you can make up for a lot of what you'll be missing out on during the next few months thanks to all the new free time you'll have afterward. You could run marathons, or even do nothing but eat pancakes all day! Okay, you might not want to do that, but it'll still be an option!

Also getting it done definitely comes first, but while I'll admit that some of this is purely because I like to know what you're up to, if you find the time then I'd say definitely make new LJ posts. I don't know your psychology enough to tell you what does and doesn't work, I'd need to know you in person to say anything so certain, but there's a good chance you might need your LJ (or something like it) as an outlet for frustration like you used it for here. :)

Overall good luck with the new semester! I'm looking forward to seeing a nice big post from you showing your happy ecstatic graduated self.


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