Nov 01, 2010 19:21

So I have three cats. Let me get this out there first: I love cats. I have always loved cats; I love dogs too - I don't think you have to like one or the other; some people do but there are plenty of us who like both - but my lifestyle isn't really appropriate for a dog. I work 10-hour days and I'm already out of the house for 11.5 hours straight because of it; add in grad school, the gym, and the errands it takes to be a damn adult, and it's easy for me to be out of the house for 14 hours. That's only an average day. That isn't fair to do to any dog - dogs take a lot of commitment and responsibility (to get a good dog, anyway) and that just isn't feasible. So, I have three cats.

I love my cats.

I love cats in general. They are affectionate and friendly, but not clingy or needy - just like me. They want things when they want them and no one can really convince them otherwise, unless it's food - just like me. They actually need space and alone time and will be sure to get it whenever necessary - just like me. They are fuzzy and cute and make adorable noises, which I am not and don't, but hey, a girl can't do everything.

I love pets and I talk to mine all the time, like people. Because I come from crazystock, the cats talk back (yes, they all have 'voices'). They all have personalities, they all have habits, and they all have places in my heart.


(Ryds, Rydsie, Riddy-Kitty; Kitty-Boo, K-Boo, Boo; Bitchcat, Bitch Kitty; Old Kitty, Old Lady, Ladycat; Princess)
Age: ~7.5-8?
I got her in: summer of 2004
What She's Thinking: "I hate you", "I hate everything", "When are the kittens leaving?", "I hate the kittens", "I hate life", "I'll be down in the basement building my bomb."

I adopted Rydia the summer I returned from Delaware. They told me she'd been picked up as part of a shelter sieze/raid from an actual crazy cat lady's house where there were something like 50 or 100 cats all in the same home. They also told me she'd already had a litter of kittens, before she was 1 year old. So not only is she a bonafide crazy cat lady cat, she's also a baby momma (babies having babies!)... it broke my heart. When I met her in the adoption van, she was so friendly, meowing at me and batting at me, cuddling when I picked her up and very loveable. Unfortunately, it was all a farce. I fell for her, took her home, and it took an entire two years until she would sit on my lap at all (although she would sneak in cuddles while I was sleeping). She totally played me. XD

Rydia hates everything; she is, frankly, a bitch cat. She is the quintessential cat's cat: she wants nothing to do with you, at all, ever, until she is ready for snuggles and pets, at which point she is coming onto your lap and the fact that you are sleeping, or typing on the laptop, or eating, or standing is completely irrelevant. She wants exactly what she wants exactly when she wants it, and frankly 95% of the time what she wants is to be left the heck alone. She hates everything and everyone: she hates when people come over, she hates parties, she loathes the kittens. She hates loud noises, absolutely abhors band practice, and even glares at you when you sneeze.

But that isn't entirely true, because really, Rydia hates everything... except for me. I do not know what I did to worm my way into this cranky, fierce, offstandish cat's heart, but somehow I have. When it is just the two of us, she becomes affectionate and loving, purring and headbutting and cuddling; she'll curl up on my lap and roll over and purr-sleep for hours and hours. She'll play with my toes under a blanket or bat at pens and pencils; she'll keep me company whilst I do homework or write. No one believes me, because she's so busy hating everything when everyone else is around, but it's true.

I love her because she's so cranky and irritable and yet secretly affectionate, I love the silly way she snores when she's sleeping, I love the way she looks out the window, and I love the way she still lays the smackdown on the kittens when they deserve it, even though they've been around for a year now. Rydia is, really, in a lot of ways, my familiar. She's been with me through a lot and she knows when I just need something to sit on my lap and warmly ignore me.

And that's Rydia.

The kittens are brothers; we adopted them together at about 5-6 weeks old, and they've been with Jeff and I ever since. This might be why they think that they are super-powerful, indestructible dogs, because we are apparently bad kitty parents forever. The kittens are spoiled rotten. We made the mistake of deciding we wanted The Cutest Kittens In The World. The problem with the Cutest Kittens is that you can't be mad at them AT ALL, which was in retrospect a terrible life choice.

Rydia hates them.


Maerzen Oliver (MARE-tzen)
(Marzy; Marzipan, Marzyface, Face, Facer; The Tan One, InTANity; Demon; JerMarzy; Troublemaker; Obnoxious Little Shithead)
Age: 1
I got him: September 2009
What He's Thinking: "I'm HELPING!", "Hey can I bat that? Hey can I bat that?", "Is that toast?", "Hey, can I help with that?", "It's hug time!"

Marzy is the cat who wins the hearts of cat-haters everywhere. He's the one with the personality - an excess of personality. He's also beautiful and stripey, but what really wins you over is his completely obnoxious, in-your-face style of DOING EVERYTHING and his dumb little warble that sounds more like the call of a particularly inquisitive bird than anything a cat would be making, basically ever.

Since he was the tiniest of kittens, Marzy was the one who got into everything. He's the one who climbed up the speakers first; he's the one who got stuck on top of the kitchen cabinets; he's the idiot who climbed in and up every closet, explored every corner, learned how to scale the mattresses in the basement and walked around up in the insulation. He's the one who bats at every single thing that comes across his path, ever, the one who knocks every single thing off of the counters in the kitchen and the bathroom and every dresser he can find. He's the one who makes "soup" by dropping a variety of creative things (once, a rotting onion!) into his water bowl.

He is, frankly, a hyperactive rebellious impulsive curious idiot.

But you can't help but love him. When he's done exploring, he comes and curls up on your lap and makes adorable kitty warble-noises as he scoots himself into tangled little kitty shapes. He loves to be near people, and loves to cuddle; I often wake up to him curled up in my legs or across my feet. His face is sweet and his little warble is even sweeter and no matter how fucking obnoxious he becomes he always wins your heart back over.

And that's Marzy.


Porter Korbin
(Porter-puff, Puff, POOF-POOF; Dark Fluffo; Dirk Neutron; Coon; Fat-Fat; Gigantic Ball Of Shithead)
Age: 1
I got him: September 2009
What He's Thinking: "Why isn't this working?", "DID YOU KNOW?", "omg is that pasta", "FEED ME", "I'm CLOWNING", "I'm not fat, I'm floofy", "I'm a coon!"

Porter is the beauty. I am 99.5% sure that Porter's daddy was a Maine Coon, making him half -- he's absurdly large (over 13 pounds and he's only 1 year old) and let me count the other signs: big hips, paw-tufts, ear-tufts, gigantic floofy coon-tail, layered coat, AAAAAAND... the SQUEAK. He does not meow. He squeaks. A very high-pitched, wail-like, adorably cute squeak.

And it's great that he's cute because he is a little dumb. He's clumsy (another Coon flag), and he often hops sideways or falls over when batting at something -- the "clowning" Coons are known for. He doesn't yet know how to sit on laps. Sometimes he can't figure out how to fit through spaces. In fact he'd be pretty troublesome if he weren't eclipsed by Marzy - but compared to The Tan One he's got nothing.

Porter's the goofball. Like I said, he's very big and a little dumb, and that combined with the clumsy-clown personality and that adorable squeak means that watching him do anything is entertaining. He likes to romp around the house and jump on things. He likes to curl up on furniture and hang his paws off the end, as if he's exaggerating his largeness. He likes to sit on your lap (if he can figure out how to balance) and show off his claws - Porter is proud of his claws; he is always waving his paws in the air and flashing his monstrous Coon talons at us. He likes to roll around on the ground and have his belly rubbed like a dog! I have never met a cat who actually ENJOYS this.

And that's Porter.

I know my photos are old -- I think they max out at 6 months, and they are so much bigger now; I want to take a video (HAPPY KITTY VIDEO, Y/Y?) and even if I can't I'll try to get some of the photos off of my phone so that you can at least see how freaking gigantic the kittens are now. WHY DO KITTENS GROW. :(

They're small and cute and so very adorably MINE, and I am so very glad that I can provide a good home to three cats who really needed it. "Cat dreams do some true" is what Jeff and I say to them, and it's so very true. They are the luckiest fuckers in the entire world.

And those are my cats!

EDIT: I came upstairs after reading this post, and Marzy had knocked every single bottle of vitamins off of my dresser and onto the ground (that's like 5 bottles) and Porter was sleeping in a laundry basket. That should tell you everything you need to know.

This is part of my 30 Days of Posting meme - feel free to check out the schedule of posting and contribute if there are any spaces! DW || LJ

This entry was originally posted at http://seventhe.dreamwidth.org/33992.html, which has
comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

the kittens, rydia (as in my cat), kittens, six-pack of trouble, this one's for jenny, meme: 30 days of hilarity, ideas i will hate in a month!, kitties!!!!!!!!1, porter (cat not beer), you pants like a kitty, maerzen, marzyface

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