in a strangely fitting moment of stupidity...

Oct 27, 2010 08:00

...I have realized that HONK can easily be my NaNoWriMo project! Initially I was thinking there wouldn't be enough left to get 50K out of but all I have to say to that right now is "Ha ha ha, self, you dreamt you were a moron." There is definitely 50K left and I'm going to be writing it anyway. And we're breaking it up into a Part I and a Part II so technically it could count for NaNo as a 'new story' in a way. (I kind of don't care about that stipulation, as I do Beacon every other year; I'm just saying.) Soooooo, I'll at least be tracking my word count there. NaNoWriMo is go!

Man. Do I have some mad word count graphs to show you guys.

BUT! My blogging-meme is spreading and that makes me super happy! Two other people will be doing this with me in November, and that's awesome. :D If you want to leave me something to talk about, go ahead (if you're on LJ feel free to scroll back and comment on that one, I don't care - just FYI you can comment on a DW entry with your Livejournal, too, via OpenID!) - I have about a week still open and there are plenty of topics that haven't been hit yet. Ha ha. I am still waiting for
renay and
justira to assign me some fandom essays or whatever.

This week has been exhausting and it's really hard to get out of bed. And I have another exam in two weeks, ffffffffffffffffffff

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comments. Comment there (with OpenID) or here, it's all good.

nanowrimo 2010, exhaustion, meme: 30 days of hilarity

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