Public Service Announcement

Sep 01, 2010 20:36

Livejournal friends: Please don't post comments you make on my private (FLocked) entries to Facebook or Twitter.

The entries I lock, I lock for a reason.

Just in case I have to say it: Don't repost. Don't make this stuff public. Don't send it to somebody not on my filter and discuss (or laugh, or gossip, or whatever). Just in case I have to say it - which I shouldn't, and if you do that, you're losing my respect, really - but if I do, consider it said.

I realize that the overlap between Sev and Jessy diminishes pretty much daily, but: I control that; you don't. Please don't make that choice for me. I really won't be happy. And I reserve the right to remove you in whatever way I need to if you're douchey like that.

I'm hoping Livejournal makes this an opt-out because it just seems like an awful move - not to mention that if you tweet every single comment you make I'm defriending you for simple spam reasons more than anything - but until then, please let my wishes stand as journal policy.


public announcement

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