one accomplishment amidst the noise

Aug 23, 2010 10:34

On Friday, I ran 8 miles. In fact, I ran something like 8.8 miles*.

Last week I ran 18.8 miles.

That's badass.

4 weeks left until the marathon-relay.

* Katy did the first "4" with me, and her Nike+ tracker told us afterwards that that "4" miles was actually more like 4.8 - which explains why every time I run that stretch of track it feels longer than it should be and I get very "slow" times; good to know I'm not imagining it. Mile markers on the Towpath are apparently not as accurate as they may appear. Would be interested in running the second "4" with Katy to see how long THAT side is...

running, series: healthblogging, working out

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