[DOINK! 2010] Just a note!

May 17, 2010 16:16

Pinch hits for DOINK! Final Fantasy Exchange 2010 are going to be going out, this afternoon/evening. If you're interested in possibly eyeing our pinch hit prompts, and you've got time before next Sunday to make a gift, you can sign up here -- signing up doesn't commit you to anything but the email list; you'll have to reply to claim a pinch hit yourself, so you can pick and choose.

Keep in mind that while I'm a mod I'm not posting this as a mod; I'm posting as somebody who knows a bunch of fun fandom people on her F-List that might be down with spending some intense quality time whipping up a seriously awesome gift in under a week.

This is always the roughest and most stressful part of the exchange. If you're interested, willing, available, etc, and you can help out, well, I can't promise you anything other than lots of goodwill, good karma, and gratitude. However, if you're unsure, please don't sign up; last year we had pinch hitters who fell through, and to be frank, I might blow up if it happens again this year.

The prompts are really gooo-o-o-o-d though ;)

I always get really excited about FFEX, and this year is no exception because seriously, the prompts were amazing and I can't wait to see what fandom whipped up for this round. It's just that this week - when people default and disappear and we have to line up back-ups wondering all the while whether they will vanish into thin air - sucks a lot of the positive energy out of things. At this time next week I'm going to be very excited because it's reveal time, though; I'm not letting this roughness drag me down! I refuse!

That being said, I eagerly await the upturn of this round ♥

doink!, fandom, ffex: 2010

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