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katmillia April 29 2010, 21:15:19 UTC
Seriously, this is exactly what I feel all the time- I'm not losing weight by running. In fact, I've never been able to get myself down from the 135-140 range since I graduated from undergrad three years ago. This is my "ideal range", apparently, and where my body naturally levels out at. This is fine for me, because while it SOUNDS heavy compared to people sprouting this "I weigh 120!" nonsense, it's not really at all! And my BMI wants to tell me that I am approaching "heavy"- are you fucking kidding me? I've finally figured out that my smallest size I should ever be and be HEALTHY is what I am now, a 4. Even a 2 is almost impossible for me because, guess what? I have hips. I have curves! Imagine that, as a girl. And because of this, no, I will not ever be a size 0 or 2. Does this make me fat? Um, no. lol Once I let go of "I need to be this size!" I started feeling so much better about shopping for clothes!

I think people's quests for working out can start with the wrong motivation, but maybe finally end up with the fact that working out makes you feel good! I love running just because I sort of love running. I mean, as bizarre as that sounds, I like doing it, I like it WHILE I'm doing it, and I love how I feel afterwards. Even with two blown knees that required chiropractic fixing, I'm still on my feet and I'm still going strong, proving that if you want to give excuses, they are really just that. :( I like knowing that I am in shape and healthy- this is way more important than being "thin".

It's taken me a LONG TIME to embrace the whole "never going to be stick thin" thing. But hey, better late than never, right? ♥


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