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first_seventhe April 29 2010, 17:05:14 UTC

That sounds like exactly what I face: I seriously have to eat every few hours unless I pig out, and even then I'm the first one who's hungry. And my symptoms are the same: dizzy, shaky, lethargic/tired/sleepy/exhausted, irritable/cranky/snippy/anxious, upset/emotional/crying, sometimes in really mind-breaking waves or cycles. XD

The first doctor I talked to told me that I wasn't sleeping enough, and that she wouldn't look further unless I started getting 8 hours of sleep a night and that DIDN'T fix the symptoms... as not-helpful as that sounded I'm sure it was good advice. I try to get enough sleep but on a 10-hour-day schedule it's pretty hard, and also it didn't fix it entirely.

The second doctor told me that there are levels of hypoglycemia - mile, moderate, and severe. Severe hypoglycemia is in fact pretty rare, but mild-to-moderate sounded to him like what I had. He said there's no good test for it, and the only real way to diagnose is through treatment; if eating extra candy and granola bars and the like helps to solve the problem, then it's very likely to be that.

The only suggestion I have is to have a fasting blood test, and have them check not only fasting blood sugar but vitamin levels. I was found to be abnormally low in D and B12 a few months ago and regulating that has been very helpful -- I still suffer from blood-sugar drops but they're as LOT more manageable now in terms of my energy level!

♥ ♥


deadshrimpblues April 30 2010, 03:34:50 UTC
Does it make you feel shaky and hot and completely weak in the limbs at sudden unpredictable moments until you go eat a piece of fruit or something? Because if so, hello me.


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