on working out

Apr 28, 2010 09:34

The things I really want to say I will try to sum up as follows:

  • “Losing weight” and “being skinny” are not actually always the same thing or even related…
  • …and neither one really is directly guaranteed to be related to “how you look”…
  • … and none of the above necessarily have anything to do with “being healthy”…
  • …which in turn is something related to, but also different than, how “strong” or “fit” you might be.

And also:
  • Some people like to challenge their bodies; others don’t. Different bodies accept physical challenge in different ways, and react to it differently. You are just as good as you need to be.
  • Some exercises are more effective than others. Some aren’t worth your time. Some things aren’t going to help you reach your goals, because you’ve made correlations among combinations of the above things that may or may not be true. Or really matter.
  • And people can be totally attractive, smoking hot, dead sexy, insert your phrase of choice here, at any point on any of the above scales!
  • And finding your balance of all of the above factors - figuring out not only which are important but which things you can affect yourself and which are not worth your time worrying about - is a difficult but important process.

There’s more of a rant that goes here but it became a very self-centered tl;dr on my own health problems and, well, this version works for now.

Conclusion: I creepershark everyone.

where did this come from?, 'worst post ever' nominee, running, series: healthblogging

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