this message brought to you by Sev's vanity

Oct 30, 2009 12:40

I'm never sure whether to be pleased or not when actual professional hairdressers have trouble doing my hair. On one hand, it gives me a sense of smug (if bleak) satisfaction to have my place on the Top Ten List of Most Unmanageable Hair Of All Time re-confirmed, since my personal excuse for being such a fug hobo all the time is that my hair's ridiculously naturally ugly and I am too lazy and not vain enough to put in the time required to make it look decently averagely respectable to the American public. (Mary Sue, I am not.) Having a professional hair person confirm that my hair is made of fail makes me feel better, like it's not all my fault that I'm such a hag.

Then again, if they can't even make my hair look nice, what hope do I have? What chance in hell do I have of ever looking pretty? What am I paying them for??

Ha ha, why do I care.

epic battles: the war on my hair, self-centered posting: on, ha ha sev

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