(no subject)

Oct 13, 2009 14:36

I have had so many awesome and interesting thoughts in the past few days/weeks, and I sit here with my brain feeling empty and run-down!

First exam Wednesday. First exam in second class next Monday. The farther I get in grad school, the less I care about grades - which is somewhat awful, because even though the company will pay me back for a C or better, anything below a B means I have to sit down with the PolySci department and explain why they shouldn't kick me out. (Basically if you're not getting As or Bs in grad school you shouldn't be there - or that's the theory, and it's not just my department or my school. I'd like to say they make up for it by giving out more As and Bs than in undergrad - which is mostly true; curving is different. That doesn't make it any easier, though; just, you know, different. They're a little slower to give you a C because they know it means trouble for you; however, it means you have to fucking earn that B or A so that they know you mean it.) Anyway, it's hard to get me to dredge up an ounce of Care from Give-A-Shit Bay when you can't find TAs who know how to solve the homework problems, I am just sayin'.

Work has finally calmed down. It was a rough couple weeks there, and I hate when my job makes me feel exhausted; I already work 10-hr days, which can be rough, but when that's 10 hours of either on my feet constantly running between buildings and up and down floors and prepping chem and disposing glassware or! 10 hours of ridiculous meetings and preparing presentations the day before and then giving them and then long argumentative conversations with idiots I get really, really tired. I mean exhausted, the kind where sleep barely helps because what you really need is a mental break.

Happily, I've had one, just in time for the upcoming exam: I've been WRITING. Yes. I'm trying to clear out the remaining pieces on the ABC Meme, and then I'm going to hit up ff_kissbattle for pretty much everything I'm worth, starting next week after my final and continuing on until Halloween.

I am struggling with FFIV fic, though, which is somewhat unfortunate (comfort fandom, why do you fail me?). I think I've been a little too exposed to other people's discussions and complaints about fandom-y stuff; I need to stop thinking so hard.

Oh, and the kittens. THE KITTENS. The kittens are just about ready to break free of their confinement in the happy safe upstairs room and wreak havoc on our poor house. How do I know? Because every time I open the freaking door they tag-team me and as I'm grabbing for the one in the front, the one in the back sneaks right around and beelines for the balcony. KITTENS ARE FAST, BEE TEE DUBS. Poor Rydia; she's still not happy, but at some point they're just going to have to meet each other and get over it.

Photos are coming!

Anyway, I'm hoping life will (somewhat) right itself over the next few weeks -- right as I go into the wedding and the always-confusing holidays! YES. CLEARLY I AM A PROFESSIONAL AT LIFE.

give-a-fuck bay, the kittens, grad classes + homework, grad school, six-pack of trouble, professional at life, the forever student

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