(no subject)

Jul 20, 2009 13:45

Otakon: Why LJ is apparently one gigantic incestuous circle of awesome .

A Recap by Sev

drakonlily and venefica_aura arrived in SevLand at approximately 13:00, although they were slightly delayed by watching porn in the coffee shop SevLand Customs. The luggage was switched between cars (and since our cars are in a serious long-distance relationship, we gave them a few minutes alone together), and Goldbug left SevLand at approximately 14:30.

At approximately 16:30 we arrived in the Land of the safety_caesars, who leapt into our vehicle from the third floor while we peed in a skeevy CVS. Personal space inside the car was set to a minimum, and we then spent an entire hour trying to get Goldbug to grow either (a) propulsion rockets or (b) a rocket launcher. Pittsburgh traffic can blow my ass, just fyi. We finally exited Hell #1 Pittsburgh around 17:30.

We then blew through the middle of Pennsylvania doing over 80mph 55 miles per hour and safe, while drakonlily wrote terrible were-sphinx-cat yaoi porn on her Blackberry and safety_caesars serenaded us with many, many sounds. venefica_aura was too busy not looking at the speedometer sewing. first_seventhe drove the shit out of that bitch.

We then stopped at the house of irish_ais to pick up some cosplay garb, and then headed off to the apartment of drakonlily’s good friend Ianto who was the keeper of Hellcat. For the record I want to say Ianto is an amazing individual and the internets should heap praise on him, right now.

After a quick unloading, we then leapt back into Goldbug and zoomed off to the airport, where we picked up a very random Canadian by sticking our heads out of the sunroof and yelling "CANADA??" Luckily for us, the Canadian representative was Tijuana_pirate, who agreed to get into a car with four strange ladies and also agreed to be referred to for the rest of the weekend as, simply, "Canada."

The rest of the night was consumed by a beer run, much cursing at the drivers of Baltimore, and first_seventhe humping safety_caesars in her sleep on a deflating air mattress. Also, Hellcat attacked Canada, but the fair nation was able to defend herself with a strong "Motherfucking cat!" It was like playing Risk in our sleep. With cats.


Friday morning we hit the con for pre-reg folks to get their badges, while the rest of us sat in a cafe and sent naughty text messages. We then went home, went on a tailgate-supply run (also including much, much cursing at the fuckheaded penis drivers of Baltimore), and then dressed ourselves in FFIV costumes. The cast was as such:
first_seventhe: Rydia
venefica_aura: white-mage Cecil
drakonlily: paladin Rosa
tijuana_pirate: black-mage Kain
safety_caesars: Pickles. Who is in the FFIV DS remake if you look hard enough.

Friday afternoon we met justira and her lovely boyfriend (whose name I actually, for the record, do know but will only be referred to here as Carlos because Canada refused to call him anything else). We sat at the bar for a while and discussed many things. Tijuana_pirate then had spasms over Turks that arrived at the bar, and we managed to take photos of katmillia’s Reno/Rydia/alcohol OT3. Also, Kain hit on Rydia, a lot.

We returned home, changed, and then went back to the harbor to meet up with celeloriel and yi_sen for sushi. irish_ais showed up with Squall and Rinoa. We talked and ate, and then celeloriel and yi_sen followed us home to take a very dramatic photo shoot of the following:
first_seventhe: Jecht
venefica_aura: Auron
drakonlily: Braska

Jecht photobombs everything, by the wayyyyy.

Saturday, also known as Fucking Awesome Day

Saturday was the day of the photo shoot that the lovely and awesome darcenciel organized for FFVI. For the record, we had every playable character (except Mog and Umaro, who appeared in plushie form) and Kefka. I shall continue to add LJ names as they appear, but here was the cast of the photoshoot:

first_seventhe: Celes
venefica_aura: Terra
drakonlily: Setzer
tijuana_pirate: Gogo
safety_caesars: Locke
darcenciel: Shadow
hyuga Pedobear Edgar

Everyone’s costumes were totally amazing, and I cannot wait to see the photoshoot results. Until then, I have "unofficial" photoshoot pictures which I will try to post on Wednesday. FUUUUUCK YEAAAAAAH GUYSSSSSSS UH CAPSLOCK. There will be more on this later as I get photos so I’ll try to keep it short: HELL. FUCK. YES.

From there we went to the bar with Edgar, Cyan, and Relm. justira and Carlos accompanied us. Much beer and other alcohol was consumed by the Returners. An FFX cosplay group was discussed. Penises were drawn. Edgar hit on everyone and Cyan took off his porn ‘stache. The waitress took photos with us. Gogo touched her with a feather.

Then we returned to the Official FF Photo Shoot, at which FFVI was super totally represented WHICH WAS AWESOME. That took like a thousand hours which kind of sucked. There we saw the beautiful group of:
mithrigil (opera Celes) omfg dress!
redmagejerry (opera Draco) omfg armor!
mullenkamp (opera Ralse) omfg awesome green hair
and some other people whose LJ names I will not remember at all because at that point I was (a) tired and (b) drunk but plz friend me anyway I swear I am cool.

Once that was over we were pretty tired, so we headed back to Ianto’s apartment, where drakonlily, venefica_aura, and justira created a recognizable Braska out of Sharpie and Ianto’s curtains while first_seventhe and Carlos made three boxes of mac and cheese. Canada continued the war with HellCat. We then forcibly dressed justira as Beatrix and dubbed her one of Braska’s lesser-known guardians. Jecht hit on her immediately.

From there we sped off to the Masquerade, and this is pretty much where the mass defriending of Baltimore happened. Carlos’ car yelled PENIS and got lost while trying to avoid traffic, while Goldbug got stuck in traffic and also pretty much yelled PENIS. Baltimore is made of Fail Penis.

Eventually we parked and found the Masque and watched an amazing performance of the FFVI Opera Scene (mithrigil, you are absolutely beautiful, just in case no one has told you that recently!). Although we were possibly the only people in our section who had any idea what was going on, we all pretty much hyperventilated and cheered our heads off. LOCKE FALLS, EVERYONE DIES. It was amazing and you all deserve a huge round of applause if you didn’t get enough of it. You have officially made my life. Seriously, I bet that was really hard and a lot of work, and I can’t wait to get a video of it to send to people.

Also great runner-up: two people in fish costumes wrestling. On stage. As a skit. Omfg safety_caesars and I laughed so hard we cried for like fifteen minutes. I. I don’t even. What. Seriously, tears from my eyes. THE SORROW. I don’t usually like most of the Masque skits because I don’t get most of the humor (I like the ones with actual talent-stuffs going on) but this was so random. I. Damn.

On the way home from the Masque, Goldbug took a slight detour because Canada wanted a photo of Baltimore’s Gay Street. Unfortunately Gay Street very decidedly did not live up to its name. It was not homosexual gay, and it was not happy gay. It was, in fact, terrifying. We then got further lost in The Shady Part Of Baltimore, although we finally made it back to Chez Ianto after driving past the Baltimore Pen. Yeah barbed wire. Yeah.

From that point I think we were all seriously exhausted. justira and Carlos went home, and we all went to bed, although we stayed up discussing important issues like twincest and non-con while Canada humped a chair.


As first_seventhe really wanted to get on the road at a decent hour, she punted everyone off to the convention in the morning, packed everyone’s stuff into Goldbug with the most efficient packing job ever, drove Ianto on errands and to the airport, and then arrived at the con to pick up safety_caesars, venefica_aura, and drakonlily. We bid a tearful goodbye to tijuana_pirate and saluted Canada as she left. Then we packed into the car and drove 80000000 fucking miles home. As we left Maryland, we actually opened the Becky eject window sunroof and flicked off Baltimore with the fury of a thousand suns.

And that was the con.

There will be many photos, as people upload what they have (including me), so you’ll get to see the cosplays and the convention and everything. For now, basically, I KIND OF AM IN LOVE WITH THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. Except that I am REALLY TIRED.

Also, on a very important note, after the hassle of this weekend, the following things get a huge gigantic balls-sized flouncey mass defriending from me:

traffic, driverswhoarenotme, gay_street, bad_landlords, beerlessriteaid, one_way_streets, lack_of_ac, hellcat, expensive_sushi, satans_highway, phantom_boots, bloodytoes, penisatthewheel, smelly_zack, bad_masq_skits, Baltimore

Consider your bitch asses mass defriended.

*camel noise*, otakon: 2009, mass defriending, fucking a donut

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