- Valentine's Day Meme. I've left some prompts; come on, guys, don't leave me lonely! (Other pairings you know I like such as Rydia/Quistis or Ellone/Anyone are totally fair game guyz.)
- ff_exchange could still use your feedback in the poll, if you want to be a part of the SUPER COOL FINAL FANTASY EXCHANGE this summer!
- If I can figure out how to work it, there might be a porn meme in ff_smutathon for Valentine's Day. Requires thinking though. Any interest?
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JanNoWriMo -- Final Summary!
Words Written: 15,867 / 15,500 - win!
Days Written:
- Total: 22 / 31 (71%)
- Excepting for Ohayocon: 22 / 28 (78.5%)
Out Of Days I Wrote, Days I Wrote More Than 500 Words: 15 / 22 (68%)
Nerdy Pictoral Representation Of My Progress:
I did alright. I did not do as well as I thought I would, for the following reasons:
- Most of the holes were on weekends; most of the heavy writing was at work. Since one of the goals is to write more at home and LESS at work, that certainly failed! LOSE, Sev.
- About 9,000 words of the above were on one single piece: Nay's Seifer/Irvine AU. UM. I am not sure what this says about me. Not that that's a bad thing -- I am kind of excited to be writing something long, again -- but I had planned to "get to" a lot of work that has been sitting in my periphery for a long time, and I didn't manage to.
- The last couple big days -- including the 2,500 word day -- were me working on the outline for Beacon, which I plan to start in March. Outlining certainly counts as writing, but I can't help but feel that the word count is cheating, because (a) I love Beacon so it's easy to write and (b) the outline has already been composed in our heads/emails; it's not difficult to write the outline.
Anyway. Out of my three goals -- write daily, write 500 words daily, write over 15000 words -- I only hit one. I didn't even hit the "write 500 words every time I write" goal, which is the pseudo-mishmash of goals 1 and 2. At the same time, I got some good work done, and I definitely made progress for
As always, I'm amazed at how much time I DON'T have in my schedule. The writing-daily thing is not for me. Instead, I'm going to round it up -- I seem to write in large chunks rather than little bits anyway. So I'm just putting an overall goal on February.
Goals for February:
- Write 15,000 words, total. This is so I get ahead on getyourwordsout in Feb, because in March I'll be drawing.
- Finish Seifer/Irvine AU, 0tp Prompts, and get at least halfway with Beacon outline.
- Write at least one freaking piece of porn.
Anyway! I've seen a few JanNoWriMo Summaries on the F-List, so~! Let me know how you did in the comments if I haven't talked to you yet (or just point me to the entry). :) Go our team, guys! OI!