NaNoWriMo Update

Nov 03, 2008 09:36

More on the weekend (and the party) later, complete with (crazy drunken) photos! For now, NaNo update, as I am already, awesomely, behind.

1,908 / 50,000

Word Count: 1,908 / 50,000 (3.8%)
Outline Quality: Non-existent.

Scene Worked On Most Recently: "Twenty-three Sick Dwarflings"
Scene to be Worked On Next: "Visit From a Nightmare"
"Research" of the Day: What would Enna eat for breakfast?
Quote of the Day: "Dwarves were harder to heal than humans, which is why I was here. I told myself this again and again, fairly often, but some days it was barely enough."
Novel I Think I'm Unconsciously Channeling In Terms Of Style And Exposition: Sunshine, by Robin McKinley

Character I'm Eager to Write: Klima
Character I'm Finding Difficult: Enna, drat you
City Much More Lifelike Than I Expected: Kabyora. Who would've thought a dwarf city so beautiful?

Best Thing I've Been Able To Meta With Today: The White Hall of Kabyora, where the healers live, and the White Line, their most highly-ranked doctors.

Today's Goal: Write all through lunch in an attempt to catch up to where I should be.

nano 2008, original fic: overflow

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