Oct 20, 2008 09:35

TRICK OR TREAT MEME! It is open, and it is a wonderful way to get your writing into motion before NaNo begins (that's only two weeks, guys!). And luckily for all of us, not_cynical began with a super long list of prompts, so I now do not feel bad at all asking for lots of fic myself.

The Trick Or Treat Meme is easy to play:
  1. Look over the prompts, which will contain two characters and a prompt / theme / quote / suggestion. Find one you like, and decide whether to Trick or Treat that person!
  2. To Treat, reply with a cute, sweet, relationshippy pairing-based fic.
  3. To Trick, reply with a gen-fic! Can be full of hijinks, shenanigans, humor, and/or creepyness (since it is Halloween).
  4. Post your own list of prompts, and open yourself up to be Tricked or Treated! Remember that anyone can Trick or Treat you, so you may not get what you think you're asking for! ;)

So please come play, guys! I'm pretty much committing myself to writing at least one prompt for every single person who leaves a wishlist, so you'll get at least one thing out of it (although it is by me and thus, might be crap and/or crack-based). Today I am betaing one piece for deadshrimpblues and another for lassarina, but as of tomorrow, I will be writing -- so get those prompts in, everybody!

Also come write me fic. My prompts are pretty awesome for Halloween, I must say. I am hoping, guys. Hoping.

meme: trick or treat, this is nay's fault

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