Weekend update!

Jun 18, 2006 22:44

It's been an exciting weekend over here in SevLand...

Friday my mum came in to visit - she ogled my new couches, helped me rearrange my bedroom, and we went shopping. Friday night Jeff, Jason and I went to see Bruce Springsteen. I was not expecting to enjoy it quite as much as I did. His newest album is a remake of a bunch of old folk tunes, and the remake style is incredible - there was swing and jazz (a four-piece brass section), folky bluegrasss country (two fiddles), some gospel-like awesome harmony (a troupe of backup singers), and a metric assload of guitars. It was awesome. I believe I will have to steal find that album.

Saturday I spent getting some much-needed work done in the apartment DEAR JEFF YOU TAKE UP ALL MY TIME LOVE JESSY -- I rearranged and cleaned the bedroom and the living room, so they now both look like totally functional normal-person areas. It is awesome.

Saturday night was more karaoke at the Dugout. We are getting to be regulars there which is kinda scary. The other weird karaoke people (Screamy Guy, I Love This Bar Guy, Drunk Dave Who Buys Me Beer, and of course Fat Jenny and DoucheBrad) definitely all came over to say hi etc, which is really pretty cool because it means that my dream of being a regular at a shitty bar is finally coming true. I still like that hilldo sang The Ballad Of Chasey Lane. (I've been singing it in my head all day long, which is bad, cause I had dinner with Jeff and Dina and their Gramma and I had to stop myself from being like "NOW SHOW 'EM THEM TITTIES") Then Waffle House YAY.


Also, for hilldo, jennyclarinet, and anyone else who cares: this Friday, 23 June, is yet another Live Ends show, this one at Jillian's on Main Street in Akron from 9:00 - 1:00. It will not be very good because the drummer went on vacation so basically we haven't practiced in uh an entire month. BUT COME ANYWAY.

Today I went up to Jon's friend Justin's wickedly sweet basement to jam for a while. It was made of awesome. We played some blues-y based shit and it was just like, "hey what key" and then all of a sudden we were all playing and YEEEEAAAAAAH. I like Justin's keyboard, it is ten kinds of fun. CLAV WAH FOREVER. Uh yeah.

Also, I took this personality test thingey I stole from icca cause it looked cool.

So the Scientologists say I am good at being:
- retardedly happy (well, DUH.)
- active (could have fooled me, but I guess even beer and karaoke counts as an activity.)
- fairly good at communication (opposite of "withdrawn". anyone who knows me knows this.)

And they say that I suck at being:
- stable: I rank pretty high on the unstable list. If by "unstable" they mean "spastic and kind of scary", then that works.
- responsible: i'm in the "attention urgent" region on responsibility HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA1.
- appreciative. Probably. I'm bitter and cynical. Fuck off. Although, what does "lack of accord" mean?

So that is pretty cool. Take the test, because it's free, and Scientologists are wankers!

just kidding about that probably, I don't know any Scientologists. But they seem like they'd be fun to make fun of.

My cat is sprawled out on the floor to escape the heat, so I am off to shock the apartment with some AC and then go to bed...
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