(no subject)

May 02, 2008 21:35

I got flowers today from my parents, which is sweet beyond anything. It's a really beautiful spring mix, all lilies and sunflowers and daisies and a few little roses; and they've been sitting in the study, filling up the room with (sorely needed) bright colors and just a hint of fresh sweet flower scent that I catch every now and then when I turn a page.

It's been a fantastic day here: stormy. I love the rain, like any good Taurus: it brings life and peace to us poor dry earth signs, especially those of us who are spring-born and need the refreshment. It's been actually enjoyable to sit and read through notes with rain and wind and thunder pounding the window at my back. I love storms, and today's was a good one.

I've made it through reviewing the notes for the Thermo class, the final I am sure to take on time. I am not sure what more I can do with the concepts; I find it hard to learn a concept from a single source, but for a class where the "notes" (I use quotes, for they are not exactly organized, nor clear) are the only reference material we have and every textbook I check lacks any relevant information... I guess I can only do what I can do. Memorizing is next, sadly - I hate memorizing. (I thought about sending an email asking how they justified not allowing any of us a notecard, but with all of the confusion over my finals anyway, I decided it not a very good idea.) If it goes well and I can answer the homework problems with ease, I'll probably move on to the other final -- if I could take these on time next week and just be done with everything. If.

I have near two hours left until I turn 26 (by day; by hour, I have until tomorrow afternoon). That's a sort of sobering thought - did I think I was going to be sitting home, alone, with a stack of notes scribbled on blue paper in multicoloured ink, when I turned 26? Oh well. Rarely, if ever, have I been able to predict myself at any age. And it's not really a bad thing, if one thinks about it in the right way.

(The stories and art so far are outstanding. I'm so touched and honored (and totally guilty for not observing other people's birthdays! SINGLE TEAR OF ABSOLUTE REMORSE); you all have no idea. (It's like I've inadvertantly had created for me the internet's best source ever of Seifer/Irvine porn, along with magic-meta and FFVII-crack fic. I am fantastic.))

I've had a lot of strange thoughts on life tonight, but I have an odd feeling that it's just the other half of my brain, sick of polymer thermodynamics, acting up again.

grad classes + homework, flowers, parents, studying sucks a nut, finals = buttrape, mum and daddy, 'taurus' in more than name, lj break for sanity!

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