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aesriella May 2 2008, 15:13:22 UTC
Hoppy Birdy! Time zones confuse me, so may today/yesterday/tomorrow be full of cock and bunnies.


first_seventhe May 2 2008, 15:22:45 UTC
♥! My birthday is flexible because for the past ~8 years of my life (plus or minus one or two when I wasn't really in school) I have had finals on my birthday, and who wants to celebrate then?? SO THANKS!


venefica_aura May 2 2008, 15:58:14 UTC
I know, I actually thought of putting in a complaint to the administrators one year.

"Hey, semesters suck ass for me, can we switch to quarters or some other thing? I'm tired of not being with the drinking on my birthday."

But I figured it was futile. XD



first_seventhe May 2 2008, 18:38:38 UTC
I KNOW!! And it was like, pretty much invariably, I would only have ONE 8:00am final, and it was, like clockwork, on my birthday - or the day after, so I couldn't go party.


venefica_aura May 2 2008, 18:45:51 UTC
This year I missed a final, instead I have to move out before noon.

Thanks, force of the universe and fate that seems to like to jerk me around. Thanks a lot.



first_seventhe May 2 2008, 18:48:03 UTC
It sucks, because May would otherwise be an AWESOME time to have a birthday. We just can't seem to escape from the Black Hole that is Higher Education!!


venefica_aura May 2 2008, 18:56:07 UTC
I know! It's not near any major holidays (Mother's Day, while a holiday, is not MAJOR), the weather tends to be decent, and yeah. I mean, my poor sister got stuck with a DECEMBER birthday and she bitches about it all the time.




katmillia May 2 2008, 16:47:39 UTC
If it makes you feel better, I haven't had a birthday party in years because once I went to college, no one was even around on my birthday cause they hadn't moved back from summer break yet, and I was always alone with my family (not that it's bad, but there just isn't anyone to celebrate with other than them due to timing).

:( That always made me kind of sad. The good news is now I just have no friends anyway, so I don't have to worry, HAHA! Cept you guys and luckily enough I'll be with you on my birthday this year. But if I wasn't- I'd be going out with Angie. And that's it. HOORAY. xD


first_seventhe May 2 2008, 18:39:52 UTC
Actually, I feel your pain there too, because of course my birthday got skipped during finals week and then everybody went home for the summer and it was like "OH... GUESS I'LL DRINK ALONE THEN"

We will have to make up for YEARS of sad birthdays AT OTAKON THEN


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