[Ninth Reincarnation | Voice | Locked to sweeperesque]

Oct 21, 2010 21:58

[ Ugh. He was dreading this call like the plague. Naoya stared at his SFC. And then he stared some more. For something like half an hour. Finally, by early evening, he'd finally worked up the courage to face Saya's irritatingly cheerful nature. And so he called her... just not on video because this was embarrassing ENOUGH as it was. ]

... Minatsuki-san.

[ A-ahem, right. He could totally do this dammit Matthew. Embarrassment be damned. ]

I... apologize for skipping out on you. I actually had no real reason.

[ He sighs. He knew this would sound sudden, especially since he'd obviously been avoiding PUBLICALLY speaking to her, but... ]

Therefore, I would... like to reverse things and offer you dinner.

[ He was going to kill Matthew about making him do this, but... he had to talk to her. Tell her the why. The one thing he hadn't told her about ended up being one of the biggest. And he breathes. HE DID IT OH GOD, WHERE IS THE OFF SWITCH--off switch acquired. Click! ]

lol he's so awkward, tsun dere tsun tsun, in this post: tsun tsun dere, - character: saya (black cat), did he really just say that

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