Aug 01, 2009 13:02

Main Post


11/1/09: traded crime05, crow03, crow04 for edo07, mera05, straw06
11/1/09: 1 2 got conceals06, crow04, hunter10, illusions04, manager09, navigate10, reindeer06, rio14, servant11 and spinzaku06. Lost promise06
11/1/09: traded red ticket x03, yellow ticket x07 for all shaveds except 01 and 10
11/1/09: traded bombs12 for destiny06
11/1/09: traded skimpy09 for assassin08
11/1/09: traded mu15, bazooka09, bazooka13 for edo02, shaved10

10/30/09: traded dornkiste04 and mirano12 for destiny01, mercenary09

10/29/09: traded most of the 15 cards I took for feathers cards
10/29/09: took bathhouse06, canada03, child06, feathers01, golfclub12, monja01, pika15, sealand09, shaved05, shield15, s-italy02, stocks14, swirls06, threat09, whiner08
10/29/09: mastered cloaked, got bl@ster05, selece01, sexy07, yellow ticket x01
10/29/09: got crow03, park05
10/29/09: traded scar06 for assassin04
10/29/09: traded goose02, humming05, points14, camera05, infinity10 for yellow ticket x03 and arrow01, ring04, ring06 for yellowticket x02
10/29/09: apology and birthday randoms: got 6903, aloof05, dekosuke11, equipment10, flames10, goose02, hypnosis14, immorrtal14, lollipop02, nirvash07, popular01, selece05, snakebite01, trial11
10/29/09: 1 got cloaked14, feathers02, shaved01
10/29/09: traded believe04 for assassin05 and fortune07 for destiny08
10/29/09: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26: got 10300002.png, 10300005.png, aloof02.png, amulet02.png, answer06.png, assassin14.png, baby08.png, balance08.png, bazooka13.png, benihime10.png, blackmail08.png, blindfold11.png, bloody07-1.png, bombs07.png, bombs12.png, boxer06.png, boxers09.png, brother06.png, camera05.png, care04.png, chigusa06.png, chuckles15.png, cleavage12.png, colorado05.png, contrast02.png, cool06.png, cross14.png, deal09.png, denpa07.png, destiny13.png, detective07.png, devout04.png, dye10.png, edo11.png, facade14.png, fonist03.png, forest01.png, fugitive02.png, garlic12.png, giraffe15.png, goldclub02.png, guerilla07.png, guerilla09.png, hack12.png, hat07.png, hearts08.png, humming05.png, izuna07.png, jealous01.png, johnny11.png, journal14.png, katsurap04.png, kora13.png, lollipop04.png, luck09.png, mansex15.png, mayora13.png, memories06.png, miruko07.png, moko14.png, molmol07.png, motorbike01.png, mu15.png, n-italy04.png, pervert10-2.png, photos02.png, piano15.png, pink05.png, planned02.png, points14.png, popular05.png, prosecutor06.png, puppet08.png, pureblood07.png, purple09.png, reindeer15.png, sadako15.png, scythe15.png, sealand01.png, shallow02.png, shallow05.png, skimpy09.png, songbird15.png, superstar05.png, tono06.png, trap01.png, turtles02.png, unlucky01.png, vectors01.png, western01.png, wicked14.png, wings09.png, yukata12.png and yellowticket x 06

9/20/09: traded rabbit12, support03 for assassin01, destiny02
9/20/09: got archaic10, bombs01, cosplay13, prosecutor12

9/17/09: got destiny09, keyboard04, yellow ticket x 01
9/17/09: traded tenth07, trim06 for mansex05, straw05
9/17/09: got nocturne08, strict01

9/16/09: traded tactics09 for cigarettes07, tono02
9/16/09: received assassin07, dornkiste04, jealous12
1 2 received existence13, headphones15, hearts13, mizuiro13, rabbit12, riceball03, tactics09, wednesday12

9/13/09: traded scar11 for mercenary03 with Jessie

9/11/09: traded reserved05 for mercenary06 with Case

9/10/09: 1 2 3 4 received amulet15, crime12, extreme15, illness15, mayoshi05, papua04, shaolin02, sheep09, stoic07

9/9/09: traded bazooka07 and blindfold05 for mercenary13 and mercenary15 with D
9/9/09: traded stoic08 for cloaked12 with Ice

9/7/09: traded england02 for nocturne07 with kirkland
9/7/09: traded reserved10 for mercenary14 with Case
9/7/09: 1 2 3 4 received attention13, blindfold05, coralian02, england02, hypnosis14, immature15, maps12, mizuiro10, nocturne09, respect04, scar06, vincent05 and red ticket x 02

9/4/09: traded cyborg10 for mansex12 with Zellie
9/4/09: traded reserved07 for assassin02 with Case
9/4/09: mastered blossoms and flames. Received cloaked05, cloaked10, adopt08, bazooka07, charm10, eyepatch01, promise06, spinzaku04

9/3/09: 1 2 traded yellow ticket x 02 for blossoms11, flames09
9/3/09: 1 2 3 received bags13, calories12, denpa15, flames10, memories12, mirano12, shirayuki01, sigmund05, succubus03, tenth07, trim06, yellow ticket x 01
9/3/09: take over received cloaked06, stray05, ninja05
9/3/09: 1 2 received acrobat11, believe04, hunter02

9/2/09: traded mayoshi09 for nocturne11 with Lemon

9/1/09: traded chunks10 for flames03 with Ice
9/1/09: traded sadistic10 for assassin13 with Case

8/31/09: 1 2 3 4: received cloaked13, cyborg08, espionage02, healer02, hearts15, nirvash10, quincy11, ring04, servant01, shaolin13, shirayuki10, stray11

8/30/09: traded bunny09, ring14 for mansex10, cloaked03
8/30/09: 1 2 3: got colonel15, fortune03, headphones11, mayoshi09, meister12, panther11, prussia12, showoff12, temper05

8/29/09: trap got bazooka09, bl@ster15, method04, servant04
8/29/09: traded sigmund11 for destiny11 with Case

8/27/09: traded hearts15 for bunny09 with Zen
8/27/09: traded chaos10 for mansex03 with D
8/27/09: got bloody07, gar03, sexy09
8/27/09: traded beast10 for blossoms10 with Tess
8/27/09: traded pervert10 for mercenary11 with Case
8/27/09: yellow ticket x 01 get
8/27/09: received adopt14, destiny10, sigmund11
8/27/09: traded believe03 for pervert10 with Mar
8/27/09: traded believe10 for ring06 with Kami
8/27/09: 1 2 3 received chaos10, leviathan09, lollipop06, method09, valkyrie09, wutai11, yomi09
8/27/09: traded freeze11 for sleep02 with Kellie

8/23/09: traded detective08 for mansex09 with Mar
8/23/09: leveled up: received cat03, navigate03, pictures15, wutai06
8/23/09: cheagle theft: received black02, dynames03, vincent04
8/23/09: bad karaoke: received detective08, littner14, ninja13
8/23/09: distracted: received baby01, beast10, believe03 and illness14
8/22/09: traded sigmund13 for assassin11 with Case

8/21/09: traded mera11 for mercenary10 with Tess
8/21/09: traded signs14 for assassin03 with Case
8/21/09: traded replica01 for cloaked06 with Replica
8/21/09: traded devils06 for names01 with Myde

8/20/09: traded lingo15 for destiny12 with Miru
8/20/09: snapshot: received angel14 assassin06, eyebrows07 and nocturne13
8/20/09: number luck. received assassin09, cloaked08
8/20/09: gave Saïx a heart. He gave me bombs01 and daisho09. =) Thanks Saïx ♥
8/20/09: lelouch's closet: received ish09, mera03, stoic08
8/20/09: stein's experiments: received flames12, lingo15, sadistic10
8/20/09: freebies received sigmund13, signs14
8/20/09: traded napoleon15, prosecutor09 and stoic01 for mansex06, mansex11 and nocturne14 with D

8/19/09: traded cool07, ranking14 for devils06, mercenary08 with Lemon
8/19/09: birthday calendar: received yuri03, wine15, healer14
8/19/09: eyepatch it: received illusions06, ouji10, prosecutor09

8/18/09: traded signs15 for flames15 with Case
8/18/09: traded sleep06 for cool07 with Zellie
8/18/09: traded highwind12 for signs15 with Tess
8/18/09: mastered reject deck. Received blossoms15, cryptic06, mera12, ranking14, yellow ticket x01
8/18/09: traded oblivion14 for highwind12 with Myde
8/18/09: traded cool15 for reject11 with Lemon
8/18/09: traded prussia15, trash04 for cloaked11, mera02 with Sei

8/17/09: traded coward06 for flames08 with Case
8/17/09: traded dornkiste12 for cool15 with Britty
8/17/09: traded blindfold06 for dornkiste12 with D
8/17/09: traded cyrogenic12 for cloaked15 with Case
8/17/09: sora's kitchen: adopted reject04, believe10
8/17/09: traded sleep10 for nocturne04 with Ice
8/17/09: eye spy 006 received blossoms08, cyrogenic12, shallow01

8/14/09: traded papa03 and espionage08 for blossoms14 and reject15 with Sei
8/14/09: traded pervert01 for straw01 with Midori

8/13/09: traded keyboard07 for blossoms13 with Hana
8/13/09: traded beast09 for reject14
8/13/09: freebies 006: received infinity10, prussia15
8/13/09: number luck 006: received two03
8/13/09: taking over a vital region 006: received coward06, cryptic03, keropi05, mercenary05, reserved07 and reserved10
8/13/09: traded coward02 for cloaked05 with Zellie
8/13/09: traded lupin10 for mercenary01 with Case
8/13/09: traded sleep08 for lupin10 with Tess
8/13/09: traded france15 for sleep08 with Mar
8/13/09: trash 006: received diamond06, france15, hermione10 and yellow ticket x 01
8/13/09: stein's experiments 006: received beast09, blackmail12
8/13/09: midnight channel 002 received freeze11, pervert01, scar11

8/12/09: traded maps01 for mercenary12 with Miru.
8/12/09: traded trash03 for reject05 with Midori

8/11/09: trash 005: received sleep06, science11, trash03, papa03
8/10/09: traded scar02 for nocturne03 with Jessie
8/10/09: traded wrench03 for flames14 with Case
8/10/09: distracted 005: received pureblood11, showoff07 and trash04
8/10/09: eyepatch it 004: received dog06, ego13 and flames04
8/10/09: birthday calender 003: received dagger08, jealous10, karugamo07 and zangetsu05
8/10/09: bad karaoke night 005: received camelot11, napoleon15, support03 and yellow ticket x 01

8/8/09: traded charm07 and scrapbook04 for reject(08, 13) with Lex.

8/7/09: traded prussia03, russia05 for mansex02, mansex13
8/7/09: traded sensor08 for pink08 with Case O_o

8/6/09: freebies 005 received chairman07, prussia03
8/6/09: number unluck 005: received peppy12
8/6/09: midnight channel 001: received hearts15, peppy12 and trident10
8/6/09: snapshot 05: received devils13, quincy08, sensor08
8/6/09: stein's experiments 005: received attention10, cyborg15, wrench03 and replica01
8/6/09: lelouch's closet 005: received coward02, nocturne10

8/5/09: traded taiyaki11 for nocturne06 with Jamejame
8/5/09: traded pervert10 for reject07 with Case.

8/4/09: traded lionheart10 for blossoms09 with Zellie.
8/4/09: traded debt02 and tono13 for blossoms07 & flames07 with Delu

8/3/09: level up! received arrow11, calories11, hypnosis11, oblivion06 and unlucky04
8/3/09: mastery: mastered usercards. received blindfold06, keyboard07, nocturne05, blossoms05
8/3/09: cheagle theft 004: received maps01, russia05, stoic01 and worker05
8/3/09: eyepatch it 003: received brother15, charm07, ciaossu04, sleep10

8/2/09: traded spain12 for flames11 with Mar
8/2/09: traded bazooka10, believe08 and dynames14 for pervert04, pervert10 and spain12 with D
8/2/09: traded extreme14 and signs10 for cloaked04 and flames05
8/2/09: traded ish14 for extreme14 with Lemon
8/2/09: traded tonfa11 for chunks10 with Aoi

8/1/09: traded highwind07 for reject02
8/1/09: traded taiyaki09 for reject01
8/1/09: traded stray10 for signs10
8/1/09: traded colonel10 for reject10
8/1/09: eye spy 004: received edo01, showoff11
8/1/09: gilbert's guess 004: received espionage08, highwind07, scar02 and tonfa11
8/1/09: traded infinity07 for nocturne02 with Tess
8/1/09: traded colorado14 for infinity07
8/1/09: referral: received bazooka10, flames13, hives01, meister04, orange03, and rat07 for referring 2 people
8/1/09: traded yellow ticket x 01 for mansex04 with Case
8/1/09: distracted 004: received chirp06, colonel10, lionheart10 and stray10
8/1/09: bad karaoke night 004: received believe08, russia05 and taiyaki11
8/1/09: traded tactics05 for cloaked07 with Saku
8/1/09: traded eyepatch10 for blossoms06 with Myde
8/1/09: birthday calender 002: received cosplay05, forest09, fortune07, pizzahut12, tiger02, zabimaru11 and one yellow ticket

7/31/09: traded planned12 for blossoms04 with Ice
7/31/09: traded prussia13 for colorado14 with Case
7/31/09: trap radar 002: received hypnosis08, reserved05 and taiyaki06
7/31/09: traded names05 for seventh06 with Miru
7/31/09: traded innocence05 for reject03 with Abby-- and also finally realized why Orihime's deck is called reject orz
7/31/09: MASTERY: received master zabimaru card, flames06, oblivion14, ring14, scrapbook04 and red ticket x 01 for being the first to master the zabimaru deck!
7/31/09: traded detective08 for reject12 with Wing
7/31/09: traded yellow ticket for zabimaru10 COMPLETING MY FIRST DECK wooo
7/31/09: suggesting card decks: received cyborg10, dynames14, leviathan02, naive05, planned12, prussia13 and 2 yellow tickets
7/31/09: traded 1 yellow and 1 red ticket for zabimaru(13, 14, 15)
7/31/09: traded frog10 and sensor05 for crime05 with Case
7/31/09: eliminating the trash: received frog10, innocence05 and massacre05
7/31/09: lelouch's closet 004: received sensor05, taiyaki09 and tono13
7/31/09: stein's experiments 004: received armslave08, debt02, lollipop05 and mercenary04
7/31/09: traded sleep03 for blossoms12 with Zellie

7/30/09: take over a vital region 004: received names05
7/30/09: making level cards: received edo04, reject06, and one yellow ticket
7/30/09: traded scorpio13 for sleep3 with D

7/29/09: traded quincy08 for cloaked06 with Zellie
7/29/09: number luck 004: received scorpio13
7/29/09: traded dokugan06 for zabimaru08 with D
7/29/09: traded hyperion02, mera01, straw01 and yomi01 for blossoms02, cloaked02, flames02 and zabimaru06 with Zellie
7/29/09: card kitchen: took reject09
7/29/09: traded zangetsu04 for blossoms03 with Kai
7/29/09: traded existence11 for zabimaru09 with Kai
7/29/09: traded boxers07 for zabimaru11 with Miru
7/29/09: traded ripper02 for zabimaru01 with Case
7/29/09: card update post: claimed blossoms01, cloaked01, dokugan06, existence11, eyepatch10, flames01, hyperion02, mansex01, mera01, nocturne01, ripper02, straw01, yomi01, zabimaru03, zabimaru04, zabimaru05
7/29/09: traded benihime04 for zangetsu04 with Case
7/29/09: replied to post. received 10300012
7/29/09: joined game. received 10300002, arrow07, balance10, benihime04, detective08, ish14, quincy08, sensei04, succubus07, tactics05, & zabimaru(02, 07, 12)

Pending Trades (my reference):
trading ?? for pervert10 with Mar

On Hold For Me (Don't Offer:)

bro tcg

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