Mar 11, 2005 18:15
God. Who is He? What is He? Why does He get a capital "H"?
I understand why religion was created...maybe you don't so I'll share a bit. Again, this comes back to the whole "comfort" that humanity seeks. A long time ago...thousands of years ago, maybe even millions, there was no government, no real authority figures who actually DID things to help the people. Civilisation needed comfort and so possibly, made up an "invisible friend" (like any other small child, maybe some of you have even done this) to seek comfort in ie. God. Perhaps this "God" or "Jehovah" is based on a great leader, one who actually took authority and made his people's lives better by what he did and they worshipped him. This story of this fantastic leader spread across the world, over years, distorting more and more as it goes along (you all know how distorted Chinese Whispers is) hence, creating a mystical character who most are in awe of his "power".
Jesus, maybe a man who wanted to con us all. Or maybe a man who wanted to follow in "God's" footsteps, by doing good and making lives better by giving them Hope (yes, another capital "H" but I feel it emphasizes the word here) As for the "Virgin" Mary, we all have our own opinion on that...("It was that danged tax man!" Where the hell did Joseph go? He just disappears from the Bible)
This leads us to our next topic, The Bible. In my opinion, (as a writer I feel), I think this is based on one story book (The Old Testament) and then The New Testament is lots of "fan fiction". Anyway, your opinion is yours and I'd love to have it.
Personally, I've never believed in the teachings ie. God is Almighty! He will cleanse you of your Sins!. It's a load of bull. However, I am finding myself more and more interested in the morals behind everything.
So, please, opinions people, you know you all want to argue this one out. Andy, I know you will have a strong opinion on this, Rachel too I guess. But the rest of you, surprise me.